8668 Fall 2021

Recommended (but not mandatory) textbook: Enumerative combinatorics Volume 1, by R. Stanley.

Time and place: MWF 2:30 - 3:20pm, Vincent Hall 6.

Office hours: TBA.

Homework: will be posted in one file on Canvas; approximately once a week I will ask you to submit a specified number of the best (most interesting, hardest) problems you can solve from a certain set of problems; late submissions are discouraged but carry no penalty; the goal is to submit approximately half of all the problems; students are welcome to email me and ask for hint; there will be a cut off date at the end of the semester after which no submissions will be accepted.

Honor code: students are allowed to use any published or online resources to learn the material, however it is not allowed to look up solutions to the exact problems I will be assigning as homework (i.e. reading up on the general topic - ok, reading solutions to the exact problems on homework - not ok); collaboration on homework is allowed, however solutions need to be written by each student separately.

Grading: is done on a curve; will be rather generous (students are expected to be motivated to learn the material for reasons other than the grade); a reasonable amount of effort needs to be put into the class.