SWG Reporter

In an effort to communicate broadly and continue to encourage involvement and participation in developing a Stormwater Monitoring and Assessment Strategy for the Puget Sound region, the SWG has sent out email messages, especially at key times to announce our public workshops, and on a regular basis to let folks know what draft documents are being developed and are available for public input, when final documents and stakeholder recommendations have been delivered to the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Puget Sound Partnership, and the status of implementing Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM), the new regional stormwater monitoring program. To be added to our distribution list, sign up for the SWG-REPORTER.

Read the current issue of the SWG Reporter here.

Previous editions of the SWG Reporter are available on request by contacting Amy Waterman.

Watch the video explaining SAM and why it's important.

The Association of Washington Cities "CityVision" magazine article about SAM's pooled funding approach is posted below.

Read the Bellingham Herald article about SAM/RSMP mussel sampling at http://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/article39553173.html

Read Lisa Stiffler's "Sightline" post at http://daily.sightline.org/2014/03/06/americas-best-stormwater-monitoring/

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