About SWG

The Stormwater Work Group is a coalition of representatives of local, state, and federal governments, environmental and business organizations, public ports, tribes, and agriculture. SWG formed in 2008 to develop a strategic, coordinated and integrated approach to understanding the stormwater problem in Puget Sound. Our work guides and supports Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM) and other stormwater-related monitoring. We welcome more participation on the work group and in our subcommittees and caucuses, and our work group meetings are open to all interested parties. Join the STORMWATER-WORK-GROUP listserv to get notices about our meetings.

GOAL: To protect and restore Puget Sound and streams throughout western Washington from harm caused by stormwater.

PROBLEM: Stormwater carries pollutants, contributes to flooding, closes shellfish beds, harms salmon, and erodes habitat.

NEED: Better information to do a better job of preventing the problems stormwater causes, in the form of a coordinated, prioritized system to test stormwater, document its effects on aquatic species and habitat, and evaluate management actions designed to protect them.

WHO ARE WE? SWG and SAM staff, and 25 members with practical stormwater and science experience representing 8 caucuses and interest groups.

CURRENT SITUATION: So much good work has been done to measure the problems caused by stormwater. The Department of Ecology issues permits with requirements to fund and implement a regional monitoring system that leverages state and federal efforts. Information that was collected in different ways and by many agencies is now better coordinated and can be shared in a way that helps us make better informed decisions about what actions are the most important to protect and recover water quality and habitat.

NEXT STEPS: More projects are under consideration for future funding by the regional program. SWG will continue to provide opportunities for input as we make decisions and recommendations for new program components.

Stay in touch by signing up for our email lists:

You can join any or all of our email lists on your GovDelivery Subscriber Preferences Page. Enter your email address, click to add subscriptions, and navigate to the Water Quality Program list to find: STORMWATER-ACTION-MONITORING: up to three newsletters per year to hear about SAM study findings and upcoming workshops; SWG-REPORTER: four issues per year to hear about study findings and the process for prioritizing and selecting studies (read the latest issue); STORMWATER-WORK-GROUP meeting agendas, materials, and summaries of our meetings, and additional announcements related to our work; and SWG-6PPD-SUBGROUP for meeting agendas and notes of those discussions.