English as a Global Language

Like EN 488, this course WILL satisfy the language requirement for those students who are on the education track for AYA (adolescent and young adult licensure). This course was formerly offered under the title, "English in the World."

Here is the Prezi that contains all of our daily slides:

Here is the link to the form where you can sign up for your presentation slot.

Some Germans are concerned by the influence of American English. (As a special bonus, the article also proposes a possible origin for the term handy ['cell phone'], from the English handheld, to distinguish them from both landlines and car phones.)

Mandarin packet

Links to online items from our packet of readings on Mandarin as a global language:

[3] Estimates from Ethnologue: scroll down to Table 3 for numbers of L1 speakers

[4] Here is a color version of the map Fallows includes on page 141. Also, here is an interview with Deborah Fallows on NPR (31 Aug. 2010).

[11] Jay Walker's TED2009 talk (14 Feb. 2009): Does the world have "English mania"? Also contains audio of "Crazy English" in China.

[12] Jennifer Pak, "Is English or Mandarin the language of the future?" BBC News, 12 Feb. 2012

[13] Omniglot's page on Spoken Chinese

Education and ELLs (or EALs or ESOL students)

Two NPR stories on non-native speakers of English and whether or not they are overlooked for gifted programs

Other links

Bilingualism carries social benefits, not just cognitive benefits. Exposure to other languages also carries social benefits, even without the same cognitive benefits.

Writing in Texts vs. Twitter

Stephen Fry rails against prescriptivism

Information on the Northern Cities Vowel Shift

Looking at the classic NYC accent, featuring Bernie Sanders

Recording of Buffalo Bill - note the postvocalic /r/!

Using rap to reinforce Standard English in Philadelphia schools

Influence of Yiddish and East European immigrants

UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger