Fundraisers, events, classes and more!

There are many ways that we fund our PTA. Our main fundraiser events are:

1. Silent Auction - Not-to-be-missed annual event.

2. Azalea Classic 1K / 1 Mile / 5K [Registration Form - Printable PDF in English and Spanish]

3. After School Enrichment Classes (three sessions each year)

4. Scholastic Book Fair [New for 2017: All-for-Book Coin Challenge!; see flyer below]

We're always looking for parent help with these activities!

Other things you can do to help UPES:

  1. Designate UPES on your Amazon Smile account.
  1. Box Tops for education - save your box tops, and bring them in to the school or register online to see more ways you can earn $ for the school.

a plus school rewards
  1. Giant A+ program - you must register your card each year - you can do this online here until March. The school's code is 00594

  2. Silver Diner: Eat Well, Do Well! - enroll in the "Eat Well, Do Well" Rewards Club and earn benefits for yourself and UPES ... win-win!

Enroll in Silver Diner's Eat Well Do Well Rewards Program
  1. Help us research and write grants!

  2. Come to PTA meetings and join in the conversation! (usually 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month).

  3. If you buy things through MamaSource (a daily deals group) a portion can be designated to UPES. Here's how to make sure a portion of your purchase goes to UPES.