
In the ICTP News

Diploma Foundations


Lawrence Fellowships awarded for 2014


06/2014: Graduation commencement. The picture shows my advisor, Giulia Galli, and me in graduation gown and cap.

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Lawrence Fellowship

05/2014: I accepted a Lawrence Fellowship from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

The Lawrence Fellowship is a highly-competitive postdoctoral position at LLNL that is open to all technical disciplines. Two to four fellowships are selected each year from a field of hundreds of applicants, and the awards are for three years. Fellows are free to pursue their own research.

Outstanding Chemistry Dissertation Award

05/30/2014: I won the Outstanding Chemistry Dissertation Award, the award given once per year in the Chemistry Department.

Lawrence Graduate Scholar

03/2011: I accepted a Lawrence Graduate Scholar from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Diploma student's thesis published

Tuan Anh Pham co-author of paper published in Solid State Communications. The results of the dissertation thesis by Tuan Anh Pham, Diploma student in the Condensed Matter class of 2007-2008, have been published in Solid State Communications. Pham is first author, together witl Ralph Gebauer and Sandro Scandolo—both of the Condensed Matter Section and his former teachers—of the paper titled "Magnetism and vibrations in the phase ϵ of oxygen" (Solid State Communications, vol. 149, January 2009, pp. 160-162). Pham came to ICTP from Hanoi University of Education, Viet Nam. He is now studying for his Ph.D. at University of California at Davis.

Diploma student's thesis published

ICTP Diploma Students featured in Italian magazine

ICTP Diploma students featured in the October issue of the Italian magazine "Flair". The article "Vogliamo vincere il Nobel" (We want to win the Nobel Prize) explains to readers that the young students who gather at ICTP from all over the world have unique stories to tell and are determined to make a difference through science, both in their own countries and to the world.

Diploma students featured in Italian magazine