
KwikDraw is an object oriented drawing program. This means that the objects that you draw can be modified (resized, stretched, rotated, filled, etc) after you have drawn them. The objects can be placed above or below one another, and grouped together to form more complicated objects. This behavior is quite different from a paint program, which only allows you to modify your drawing by erasing, painting over the top, or cutting and moving whole sections. Below you will find some examples of KwikDraw drawings.

The current version works only on 32-bit versions of Windows through Win7. The original installer only works through WinXP so I am now providing a simple zip file so that you can do a manual install. Note that you'll also need to load a legacy Windows help viewer in order to view the help files. Yes, this is really old code that I have not touched in a long long time. My brief foray into a complete rewrite has been stalled by higher priority projects. Apologies for that to you (now few) faithful fans. I hope to resurrect it someday. It was novel in its day, and I have yet to see the option for a triangular grid in another drawing program, but there are plenty of free alternatives now.

Download KwikDraw