Example Project Solutions

CSCD 372 (Android Programming):

These examples are digitally signed, and functional, but not available on Google Play, so you'll need to allow installation from unknown sources. After doing that you can visit this page on your device and press the link. Once it downloads, tap the "download complete" notification and select Install.

Or you can download the apk file and drag it onto a running emulator.
Or you can download the apk file and install it onto a USB connected device by typing "adb install xxx.apk" in a command window.

If any of these fail to install, let me know, as Google's app signing standards have changed.






CSCD 370 (JavaFX Programming):

The links are to executable jar files, so you'll need to install the Oracle Java Runtime (JRE 8) to run them. At present these will not work with Open JRE. Some may not run on JRE versions later than 8.

Simpler Robot Factory Example Robot Files


Outing Journal (see compatible Android app)
