
5/26/2017 (Braxten)

Hey guys! I'm back, with music and an actual coding program as well (Known as Processing 3!), but that's for later!

Just wanted to check on back, more posts will be coming, see you around! P.S. We should also get back into

RotMg (Realm of the Mad Gd). Also, I think this website needs a whole new overhaul!


It's been almost a year

The boys have convinced me to buy Black Desert Online

Get ready for another year hiatus

7/2/2016 (Braxten)

Sorry for not updating the news in a while guys! I just wanted to point out that we need to start promoting composition, there are great opportunities out there. J. Stadler is a great composer and I think he deserves more attention, hopefully this will get him some! :D For any composers out there send me some songs at, because you as well deserve attention!

4/17/2016 (Braxten)

Hi guys! I've got something crazy for all ya'l crazy people. When translating this song from note flight to musescore (Five armies by Kevin MacLeod) it kinda got messed up. I call it Somethinggonewrongwidthiscrazymansong (This is download).

3/21/2016 (Braxten)

You guys still aren't putting your names next to the date! Whatever... Well, I finished my composition of Clockwork, It was hours of great work, enjoy!


Wanna see Braxtens newest adventure game? He coded it himself and has spent weeks on it. It may not be as good as your regular daily call of duty but give him some support it takes talent to even get close to what he did.


Kid caught with drugs at middle school?!? An 8th grader (who's name I will not say) was caught by a drug dog for carrying drugs in his backpack. It happened on 2/3/2016. No one has seen the kid since and was most likely suspended. Word of advice, life isn't always how you think it goes.


Phap has mastered minesweeper and cannot do anything else. Rip.

1/27/16 (Braxten)

You saw the man shooting you?! Well that's scary, and how did you find out his name?! We need a blog, I'll make one later. Anyways the reason I am here is to show you something! I am learning trigonometry and I made a working program! I haven't got the square roots in yet (and some other cool features) but I will be working on it! Check it out here! And we should start putting are name at the top of our news, like I did, oh, and we got to start working on the newspaper! You can find more information about trigonometry in the "Coding" tab, bye!


I personally don't know if you've seen the story about the gun fight (it's true) but one of the men who was shooting, his name was Andrew, and he's back. Me and my mom were going to my school and we saw Andrew and he was back.


Happy new year everyone! We hope you all had great year on 2015 and hope we can make it better on 2016. I (Sonny) have started learning to do some coding and computer related subjects, Braxten has began to make more games, and Phap...well... he's been spending a lot of his time on free rider.


Guys! I found this awesome game to play at school on khanacadamy!


Again guys, post this link EVERYWHERE. On youtube, twitter facebook, hangouts, i mean EVERYWHERE!


Hey Guys! I finally released my mod today! Here is the link to it, click here.

9/4/15 Emphasis on this page will now steer away from computer company to coding company, as we've stopped doing that. Phap has started to play a lot of TF2, much to the dismay of others(kind of)

9/3/15 Coding page has updated! Also, we have a new modpack in downloads, in site map!

9/2/15 Check out the new coding page in sitemap! Don't forget to keep looking there!

9/1/15 JUST DO IT!




6/23/15 I'm back. It's Phap. I just looked at the umm, thing and uhh, just, uhh

6/20/15 Guys! Also share this link everywhere you can find!

6/20/15 It's about time for some more news! The P.S.B.H.R is starting a band! Me (Braxten) and Phap are the founders, it will cost lots of money! But anyways, hears one of the first songs we will be playing. I re[arranged] it for our band:

Heres the Original Song: by Kevin MacLeod.

Have a great day P.S.B.H.R. Members!

11/18/14 Today is the AMCs! Crazy Math fanatics from all over America flock to their nearest college to take this 40-minute, 25 question, rigorous test! Yay! Link is Here. Learn about it!

10/22/14 We just recently learned that the REAL hoverboard (made a Hendo) is coming out on October 21, 2015! (YES, BTTFuture Fans, the day Marty arrived in the future!)

A picture is in the files place in the bottom of the page, Courtesy of the guys over at Hendo, and don't forget to "Kick-start" them at

10/22/14 We over here have been doing stuff with the browser based, Play-Canvas Game creator. Examples soon. (Note: this isn't all we do in our spare time)

10/20/14 Halloween is almost here, and some code is here too, try to figure out what language(computer language) it is written in, happy Halloween!

[asy] pair A,B,C,D,M,N; A = (0,0); B = (0,3); C = (3,3); D = (3,0); M = (0,1); N = (1,0); draw(A--B--C--D--cycle); draw(M--C--N); label("$A$",A,SW); label("$M$",M,W); label("$B$",B,NW);

label("$C$",C,NE); label("$D$",D,SE); label("$N$",N,S);[/asy]

9/29/14 Archeage is released

Minecraft 1.8 came out! (A while Ago!).

Story of the gun duel a month ago:(Sonny)

It started off just a normal day. Everyone was doing their thing. Then all of the sudden BOOM! A large blast out of the middle of nowhere. My friends mom and brother came to the window to check what was going on. All they see are two people shooting at each other with a pistol and shot gun. Their whole family got down to the ground. Their mom grabbed the phone and dialed 911. The first man got in his van and the second man got in his car. After they left my friend found a shotgun shell in the middle of the front yard. A few minutes later the police arrived and came to their front door. A police man asked if he could come inside. He later came outside and discussed to his fellow officers. After that he came back and said too go in a room and lock the doors. After about an hour they came outside to leave. After they came back (again) Their was a detective in their neighbors' backyard.