Lesson 2

Great! Now that you passed the test and you get how the beggining part of it works, we can get into more difficult/complex parts. Rightnow, I will be teaching you about varibles! OK, first, here is an example of a varible:

int start = 0;

So you see? You can change the varible name and it wont matter, but it cannot start with:

#123456789*&$#@!();,.<,?/ (idk)

Or things similar. But, it can start with capital letters and even underscores, it is just not advised. The varible above may be used to start a game, ex: if they press start, it starts a game, but it will require a lot more code than 1 varible. As you can also see it is being assigned to a value! IMPORTANT: start does not EQUAL 0, it is ASSIGNED to 0. So if we put this in a printf function:

printf(¨%d¨,start); //I will explain the %d in a minute.

It will print out as:


becuse %d is saying, I am saving this spot for an intiger, a type of varible (Any varible that starts with int)