We like open science. We believe that exposure of the research process is likely to accelerate the overall progress of science.

You can find below links to our work in the form of papers, posters, research talks, lectures and grant applications. Peer reviews and the corresponding earlier versions of the work are included whenever available.

If some of it is useful to you, please cite us.


  • PAPER "A structural model for the Coronavirus Nucleocapsid" under revision. arXiv
  • PAPER "Large Ankyrin repeat proteins are formed with similar and energetically favorable units" PLoS ONE


  • PAPER "Size and structure of the sequence space of repeat proteins" Plos Comp Biol
  • PAPER "Topology dictates evolution of regulatory cysteines in a family of viral oncoproteins" Mol Biol Evol
  • PAPER "Local frustration around enzyme active sites" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
  • TALK "The natural structure of amino acid patterns in familes of protein sequences" ENIGMA symposium
  • TALK "Biología como LA ciencia de datos naturales" Jornadas Ciencias de Datos
  • POSTER "Maximum entropy models for codons and amino acid abundances in genomes and proteomes" StatPhys2019


  • PAPER "On the natural structure of amino acid patterns in familes of protein sequences" The Journal of Physical Chemistry B arXiv
  • PAPER "Frustration, function and folding" Current opinion in structural biology
  • PAPER "Interplay between sequence, structure and linear motifs in the adenovirus E1A hub protein" Virology
  • PAPER "Localization of Energetic Frustration in Proteins" Methods in Molecular Biology (in press) arXiv
  • PAPER "Structure and dynamics conspire in the evolution of the affinity between intrinsically disordered proteins" Science Adv
  • GRANT "ENIGMA: Evolution of Nanomachines In Geospheres and Microbial Ancestors" NAI (awarded)
  • TALK "The circular flow of biomolecular information" 3rd PBATEOTW
  • TALK "Characterizing the local frustration in class A Beta-Lactamases and its relation to function and stability" 3rd PBATEOTW
  • POSTER "A thousand DNA linear motif classes may still be undiscovered" 9CA2B2C









