KET exam overview

Exam overview:

Level A2 of the CEFR What should a learner at this level be able to do?

The Key English Test (KET) enables candidates to demonstrate a basic level of English that will prove useful when travelling or working in English-speaking countries.

There are two versions of KET available: KET and KET for Schools. Both follow exactly the same format and the level of the question papers is identical. The only difference is that the content and treatment of topics in KET for Schools have been particularly targeted at the interests and experience of school pupils.

KET for Schools is available in a computer-based format as well as paper-based tests. Candidates taking the computer-based version take the Reading & Writing and Listening parts of the test on screen. The face-to-face Speaking test is the same for both the computer-based and paper-based versions of KET for Schools.



9 parts/56 questions

5 parts/25 questions

2 parts


1 hour 10 minutes

30 minutes (inc. 8 minutes' transfer time)

8-10 minutes per pair



