FCE Exam Overview

Level B2 of the CEFR What should a learner at this level be able to do?

The First Certificate in English (FCE) is the most widely taken Cambridge ESOL examination. Success at FCE enables learners to use their language skills for many practical purposes, including business and study.

There are two versions of FCE available: FCE and FCE for Schools. Both follow exactly the same format and the level of the question papers is identical. The only difference is that the content and treatment of topics in FCE for Schools have been particularly targeted at the interests and experience of younger learners.

FCE for Schools will be available in paper-based tests from March 2011 and in a computer-based format in 2012. Candidates taking the computer-based version take the Reading & Writing and Listening parts of the test on screen. The face-to-face Speaking test is the same for both the computer-based and paper-based versions of FCE for Schools.

Set texts for Cambridge English: First for Schools until December 2013:

    • Mary Shelley: Frankenstein The ELT Graphic Novel (HEINLE Cengage)

    • Anthony Bourke & John Rendall:A lion called Christian (Scholastic)



3 parts/30 questions

2 parts/2 questions

4 parts/42 questions

4 parts/30 questions

4 parts


1 hour

1 hour 20 minutes

45 minutes

approx. 40 minutes

14 minutes





