
Vacancies available 

The Intelligent Transportation Systems research group is seeking applications for Tsinghua Shuimu Scholar postdoc recruitment initiatives. The positions will be based at the School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, and are on a two-year fixed-term full time basis with possibility for renewal. 

The postdocs will contribute to research in three main areas: ground-air cooperation for passenger and freight transportation, vehicle-city connectivity, or future urban transit systems with autonomous and modular vehicle pods.  You will be primarily working with Professor Xiaobo Qu

We offer very competitive packages up to 50,000 Euros per annum, plus on campus housing options with subsidy. 

If interested, please send your CV, one representative paper, and a two-page research plan to Ms Juan Du (, who will guide the shortlisted candidates for Shuimu Scholar applications.