
I was Director of Engagement and Impact for the School of Mathematics (2011 to 2021) and Academic Chair of the Cardiff University - Office for National Statistics (ONS) Strategic Partnership (2019 - 2022). I am currently Director of the Wales Data Nation Accelerator (WDNA).

This video gives an overview of the school's research impact:

I sat on the OR Society's 'OR in Schools Taskforce' (I was Chair from 2005-2011) which produced various teaching resources for Decision Maths and OR. Check out LearnAboutOR and related careers video .

I help co-ordinate the School of Mathematics outreach activities and we have hosted several annual lectures by distinguished speakers, including Johnny Balland Computer Science For Fun

Cardiff School of Mathematics is very happy to offer outreach opportunities. This can be a talk on why study Maths and related subjects at University, or general interest talks and workshops. Very happy also for schools to visit us at the University. Do get in touch!

We also host the UKMT Senior Team Challenge (regional final) every November.

Some of my outreach materials freely available:

Useful outreach links: