ESI: Queueing Systems in Healthcare

EURO Summer Institute on Operational Research Applied to Health in a Modern World: June 11-20, 2014, Forte di Bard, Italy

I gave an invited tutorial on "Queueing Systems in Healthcare" as part of the programme for ESI XXXI

This page provides related resources that delegates were asked to look at before the tutorial, thus facilitating a flipped classroom approach to the session. The session itself was interactive and evolved around a collaborative paper-writing task, plus a discussion on engagement and making impact in the healthcare sector.

The 4 short videos below are designed to introduce the concepts and by no means an attempt to teach the materials. Some supporting resources have been provided.

Acknowledgements: Vince Knight and Rob Shone for their assistance with making available some previous resources; Vince for very helpfully discussing ideas for the tutorial; The ESI XXXI Organising Committee for inviting me and permitting me to go with this session!

Part 1: Concepts of Markov Chains

Supporting notes

Part 2: Concepts of Queueing Theory

Supporting notes

Importance of Variability (video)

Part 3: Further Topics in Queueing Theory and Concepts of Simulation Modelling