MATH 4313/5300 Regression

Term: 2020 Spring (January-21 to May-12)

Course: MATH 4313-5300 (Intro to) Regression Analysis

Section: 12

Time: 9:35pm -- 10:55pm TR

Classroom: Lucas Building 114

Office: 200F Lucas Building

Ext. 8540

Office Hours: 11:10am--12:30pm MTWR

or by appointment


Syllabus: Available soon in Blackboard !

-------------------------------Announcements ------------------------------------------------


This page is constantly under construction!

  • Most class documents will be available in Blackboard under Course Content section !!!!!!!

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructor's Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------- Materials -------------------------------------

Course Textbook:

Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5ed

by D.C. Montgomery & E.A. Peck & G.G. Vining

Additional Material:

I. Textbooks

0. Introduction to Linear Regression

II. Using R

  1. 0. Linear models with R

------------------------------------------------- Tentative Schedule -------------------------------------------------------------------

The student need to reed in advance the material to be covered in class!

------------------------------------------------- Homeworks-------------------------------------------------------------------

The student need to reed in advance the material to be covered in class!

5300 ==> Do ALL, turn in ALL 4313 ==> Do ALL, turn in Highlighted


- #1 available in Blackboard

- #2 available in Blackboard

- #3 available in Blackboard

- #4 available in Blackboard

- #5 same as HW-4

- #6/7 available in Blackboard

- # 8/9 same as HW-7/8

- #10 same as HW-9