MATH 3370 Intro Stat Infer

Term: 2020 Fall (Aug-18 to Dec-8)

Course: MAT 3370 Intro to Theory of Statistical Inference

Section: 02

Time: 9:10am -- 10:05am M(1/2 F2F)--W(1/2 F2F)--F(All online)

Classroom: Lucas Building -- Room 119

Office: 200F Lucas Building

Ext. 8540

Virtual Office Hours: 11am--12noon MTWR

or by appointment


Syllabus: Available in Blackboard !

-------------------------------Announcements ------------------------------------------------


This page is constantly under construction!

  • Most class documents will be available in Blackboard under Course Material !!!!!!!

------------------------------------- Materials -------------------------------------

Course Textbook:

Probability & Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (8ed)

Additional Material:

2. OpenIntro Statistics by David M. Diez, Christopher D. Barr, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

3. Introduction to Statistics by David M. Lane et al.

------------------------------------------------- Tentative Schedule -------------------------------------------------------------------

Each student needs to read in advance the material to be covered in class!

August 2020

September 2020

October 2020

November 2020

December 2020

Final Exam Date: December-4-2020 8:00am--10:30am

--------------------------------------- Homeworks --------------------------------------

  • All Suggested Exercises

  • Read in advance all material to be covered in class.

------------------------------------------ Assessment------------------------------------------

> Exams

Exam-1 [100 points = 20% of final grade] includes Ch-1 & Ch-2

Exam-2 [100 points = 20% of final grade] includes Ch-3 & Ch-4

Exam-3 [100 points = 20% of final grade] includes Ch-5 & Ch-6 & Ch-7

Final Exam (optional: see syllabus in Blackboard for details)

> Quizzes

Q1-Q9 [10 points each = 2% each ==> 18% of final grade]

Q10 [20 points ==> 4% of final grade]

See dates and material included above !

> Discussion in Blackboard [40 points ==> 8% of final grade]

> Final Project [50 points ==> 10% of final grade]

- Hypothesis Testing & p-value (Chapter-8 and beyond!)

> Total points = 500 ==> 5 points = 1%

--------------------------------- Suggested Exercises --------------------------------

1.1 Populations, Samples, and Processes [p. 12] 1,3,4

1.3 Measures of Location [p. 34] 33,38,41,42

1.4 Measures of Variability [p. 44] 44,45,47


2.1 Sample Spaces and Events [p. 54] 1,3,4,5

2.2 Axioms, Interpretations, and Properties of Probability [p. 62] 11,14,16,18,21

2.3 Counting Techniques [p. 71] 29,31,33,37,39

2.4 Conditional Probability [p. 80] 45,47,49,51

2.5 Independence [p. 86] 70,71,77,78,80


3.1 Random Variables (R.V.) [p. 95] 1,4,6,7a,c,e,g

3.2 Probability Distributions for Discrete R.V. [p 104] 11,13,14,17,18,19

3.3 Expected Values [p. 113] 29,30,34,38,39

3.4 The Binomial Probability Distribution [p. 120] 47a,c,e,g,48,49,53,55,57

3.5 Hypergeometric and Negative Binomial Distributions [p. 127] 68,69,71,72

3.6 The Poisson Probability Distribution [p. 132] 79,81,83,85


4.1 Probability Density Functions [p. 142] 1,3,5,7

4.2 Cumulative Distribution Functions and Expected Values [p. 150] 11,13,14

4.3 The Normal Distribution [p. 162] 28a,c,e,g,i,29,35,37,39,43

4.4 The Exponential and Gamma Distributions [p. 170] 59,61,67 (Optional)


5.1 Jointly Distributed R.V. [p. 203] 1,5,9

5.2 Expected Values, Covariance, and Correlation [p. 211] 22,25

5.3 Statistics and Their Distributions [p. 222] 37,39,41

5.4 The Distribution of the Sample Mean [p. 229] 46,47,49,53

5.5 The Distribution of a Linear Combination [p. 233] 58,59,60,65


6.1 Some General Concepts of Point Estimation [p. 252] 1,2,3

6.2 Methods of Point Estimation [p. 264] 20,23,25


7.1 Basic Properties of Confidence Intervals (C.I.) [p. 275] 1a,c,3,5

7.2 Large-Sample C.I. for a Population Mean and Proportion [p. 283] 13,15a,c,17,21,23

7.3 Intervals Based on a Normal Population Distribution [p. 292] 28a,c,29a,c,e,33,37

7.4 C.I. for the Variance and Standard Deviation of a Normal Population [p. 296] 42a,c,e,43a,c,45,47 (Optional)


8.1 Hypotheses and Test Procedures [p. 308] 1a,c,e,2a,c,e,g,3,5,7,9a,c,e,11a,c,e

8.2 z-Tests About a Population Mean [p. 320] 15,17,19,20

8.3 The One-Sample t-Test [p. 327] 29a,c,31a,c,37

8.4 Tests Concerning a Population Proportion [p. 337] 42a,c,43,45


9.1 z-Test and C.I. for a Difference between Two Means [p. 371] 1,8

9.2 The Two-Sample t-Test and C.I. [p. 379] 17a,c,19,23,29

--------------------------------- Codes in R --------------------------------

We are going to use RStudio online !