
Replication Files for Data and the American Dream

File Name Chapter(s) Description

script01.R 1 Produces PUMA-level statistics in Table 1.3
script02.R 1 Winters lawyer earnings verification
script03.R 1 Produces bedrooms and sibling gender statistics
script04.R 1 Produces answers to Chapter 1 review questions
script05.R 2 Costa and Kahn home energy verification
script06.R 2 Costa and Kahn home energy reproduction
script07.R 2 Holian home energy verification
script08.R 3 Orrenius and Zavodny immigration verification
script09.R 4 Produces software developer earnings statistics
script10.R 4 Bailey and Dave health insurance verification
script11.R 5 Produces gig economy statistics
script12.R 5 Comolli and Bernardi fertiliity verification
script13.R 6 Holian vehicle ownership verification
script14.R 7 Produces Cost-Benefit Analysis calculations
ACSmaster.RData 1-6 Data file described in DAD Appendix I section, Obtaining Data