Discussions and Talks

Monetary Policy and Anchored Expectations: An Endogenous Gain Learning Model

by Laura Gati
NBER Summer Institute: An Endogenous Gain Learning Model

Thoughts on the Monetary-Fiscal Framework

Talk given at the Department of Treasury, February 2021

A World Awash with Debt

by Barry Eichengreen
Griffin Economic History Public Lecture, November 2020

Fiscal Rules and Monetary Policy

Presentation at the CAMA and Treasury Conference "The Global Economy: Looking Forward and Looking Back on Technology and Macroeconomic Policy", August 2018

Central Bank Communications Policy

Panel discussion at the Melbourne Institute Public Economics Forum, April 2018

Robust Design Principles for Monetary Policy Committees

by David Archer and Andrew Levin
Reserve Bank of Australia's conference on "Central Bank Frameworks: Evolution or Revolution?", April 2018

Is Monetary Policy Less Effective When Interest Rates are Persistently Low?

by Claudio Borio and Boris Hofmann
Reserve Bank of Australia's conference on "Monetary Policy and Financial Stability in a World of Low Interest Rates", March 2017

The Power of Unconventional Monetary Policy in a Liquidity Trap

by Masayuki Inui and Sohei Kaihatsu
Reserve Bank of Australia's Quantitative Macroeconomics Workshop, 2016

The Fiscal Cost to Exit Quantitative Easing:The Case of Japan

by Hiroshi Fujiki and Hajime Tomura
NBER Japan Project Meeting, August 2016

Comparing Inflation and Price Level Targeting: The Role of Forward Guidance and Transparency

by Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra

Conference: Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models, University of Oregon, August 2015

Comment on: Dormant Shocks and Fiscal Virtue, by Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2013

Comment on: House Prices, Credit Growth, and Excess Volatility: Implications for Monetary and Macro-prudential Policy, by Gelain, Lansing and Mendicino

IJCB Conference Volume 2013