
RANK:   Professor


    Faculty of Law, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1991-Present

       Courses: Cybercrimes, ICT Law, E-commerce & Cyber-security, and History of Romanian Law


        Doctor of Juridical Science, magna cum laude, Faculty of Law, Babeş-Bolyai University ("BBU"), 1994.

        LL.B., magna cum laude, Faculty of Law BBU, 1991.



Coordinator, Blended Intensive Programme "Cybersecurity Strategies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence", May 2024.

Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, Babeş-Bolyai University (2020-2024).

Expert Reviewer, Increased Cybersecurity 2021, HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions, European Commission (2024).

Expert Evaluator, Increased Cybersecurity, Security of robust AI systems, Horizon Europe - Work Programme 2023-2024, European Commission (Dec 2023 - Jan 2024).

Expert Reviewer, Fighting Crime and Terrorism Call, Horizon Europe, European Commission, 2023.

Member of the National Council for Ethics in Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation, Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization.

Expert Evaluator, Pathfinder Open 2022, European Commission.

Expert Evaluator, Civil Security for Society, Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022, European Commission.

Organizer, Online Conference “Data Privacy & Security”, 14 May 2020.

Member of the Board of Directors 2014-2024, International Association of Penal Law (AIDP-IAPL).

Expert Evaluator, Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 Secure Societies - Protecting Freedom and Security of Europe and its Citizens, Research Executive Agency, European Commission, Sep-Oct 2018.

Chair, International Conference “Protecting Personal Safety, Privacy, and Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 26 October 2018,

Expert Evaluator, Horizon 2020 ICT for Health, Well-being and Active & Healthy Ageing, Research Executive Agency, European Commission, May-Jun 2018.

Member of the BBU’s Scientific Council and the BBU's Socio-Economic Council. 

Expert Evaluator, Horizon 2020 Secure Societies, Research Executive Agency, European Commission, Sep-Oct 2017.

External Affiliate, Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University.

Professor, Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca, Dimitrie Cantemir University (Courses: Criminal Law and European Business Law)

Chair, International Conference “Advanced Cyberlaw and Electronic Security”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 16 June 2017,

Contributor, “E.U. Data Protection Comparison” Project, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, 2016.

Expert Evaluator, Horizon 2020 Secure Societies, Research Executive Agency, European Commission, Sep-Oct 2016.

Chair, International Conference “Preventing and Combating Cybercrime”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 20-21 May 2016.

Coordinator, Cybercrime Research Unit, Faculty of Law BBU.

Member of the Council of the Faculty of Law BBU 2016-2024.

Chair, International Conference “The Rule of Law in the Digital Era”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 8-9 May 2015.

Expert Evaluator, Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020, Research Executive Agency, European Commission, May-June 2014.

Member of the Board of the Romanian Penal Law Association.

Chair, International Criminal Law Conference “Crimes, Criminals and the New Criminal Codes: Assessing the Effectiveness of the Legal Response”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 27-29 March 2014.

Partner and Lead Researcher on several international projects: 

- The FP7 project “CONSENT: Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content (UGC) services in the digital economy”, European Commission, May 2010 - April 2013.

- The OLAF project “Rights of Defence in Fraud Investigations”, 2004-2005.

- The “Provision of Information by Courts and Court Administrations: A Comparative Inventory of Eight European Countries and the USA” project, Dutch Council for the Judiciary, 2005.

- The “Grotius II (Criminal)” project, European Commission, 2002.

National Co-Rapporteur, Preparatory Colloquium on the XIXth International Congress of Penal Law on “Information Society and Penal Law”, International Association of Penal Law, 2013.

Chair, International Conference "Perceptions, Privacy and Permissions: The Role of Consent in On-line Services”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 6–7 September 2012.

Member of the Scientific Council of the Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review.

Director (International Relations), Paul Negulescu Institute of Administrative Sciences (since 1999).

Co-Chair, Management and Delivery of Justice Group, European Group of Public Administration, 2002-2006.

Participant in the OECD’s Regulatory Governance in South East European Countries, 2004.

Expert Criminologist, UNDP Romania, 2000.

Member of the Romanian Intellectual Property Law Association.

Member of Pergam.

Vice-President, Cluj branch of the Romanian Penal Law Association.

Member of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences.

Member of the Romanian Institute of Public Law and Administrative Sciences.


Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Survey Evidence in Trademark Actions, DePaul Business and Commercial Law Journal (2024, Forthcoming),

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, A Framework for Effective Smart Contracting, Bratislava Law Review, 7(2), 107–122 (2023),

Bill Hefley, Małgorzata Pańkowska & Ioana Vasiu, Cyber trust cultivation premise and development, Trust, Digital Business and Technology, 33-48 (2022), Routledge,

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, A Framework for Improved Protection of Trademarks,

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Cross-Jurisdictional Analysis of Damage Awards in Copyright Infringement Cases, University of Georgia Journal of Intellectual Property Law, 28(1), 93-130 (2021).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Forms and Consequences of the Cyber Threats and Extortion Phenomenon, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(4), 295-302 (2020). 

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Cyber Extortion and Threats: Analysis of the United States Case Law, Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 14 (1), 3-28 (2020).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Attributes of the Criminal Copyright Infringement Phenomenon, Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review (Revista Română de Dreptul Proprietăţii Intelectuale), No. 2/2020, 23-31 (2020).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Initial Copyright Ownership in Software Developed as Work Made for Hire, Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, No. 1/2020, 44-52 (2020).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Criminal Copyright Infringement: Forms, Extent, and Prosecution in the United States, University of Bologna Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, 229-260 (2019).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Criminal Enforcement of Copyright as an Important Safeguard for Economic and Security Interests, European Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 8 (3), 228-236 (2019).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Litigation Aspects in Criminal Copyright Infringement Cases, Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, No. 2/2019, 32-39 (2019).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Cyberviolence: The Threatening Communication Cases, Pratt's Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Report, Vol. 5, No. 4, 107-115 (2019) (LexisNexis A.S. Pratt).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Cybersecurity as an Essential Sustainable Economic Development Factor, European Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 7 (4), 171-178 (2018).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Essential Aspects Concerning the Processing of Personally Identifiable Information, Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, No. 2/2018, 170-177 (2018).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Backdoor Man: A Radiograph of Computer Source Code Theft Cases, Journal of High Technology Law, Vol. 18 (1), 1-37 (2017).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Malicious Cyber Activity Distribution, Attribution, and Retribution, In “Advanced Cyberlaw and Electronic Security”, 9-19, Accent Publishing (2017)

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Personal Data Protection in Romania: The Legal Framework and Results From a Longitudinal Study, In “Advanced Cyberlaw and Electronic Security”, 108-117, Accent Publishing (2017).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Light My Fire: A Roentgenogram of Cyberstalking Cases, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Vol. 40 (1), 41-68 (2016).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Proposed Objectives, Technology, and Activities of a Cybercrime Center, In "Preventing and Combating Cybercrime", 46-53, Accent Publishing (2016).

Co-author, Explicațiile noului Cod penal. Vol. IV. Art. 257-366, G. Antoniu, T. Toader (coord.), Universul Juridic (2016).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Riders on the Storm: An Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Cases, Suffolk Journal of Trial & Appellate Advocacy, Vol. XX, 184-217 (2015).

Ioana Vasiu, Noul Cod penal şi protecţia securităţii sistemelor informatice, In “Avocatura în România: 150 de ani în linia întâi a luptei pentru drept” (Coord. Monica Livescu), Ed. Hamangiu, 450-458 (2015).

Co-author, Explicațiile noului Cod penal. Vol. III. Art. 188-256, G. Antoniu, T. Toader (coord.), Universul Juridic (2015).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, A Framework For Secure Electronic Payments, In “The Rule of Law in the Digital Era” (Eds. I. Vasiu & F. Streteanu), Ed. Accent, 65-78 (2015).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Riders on the storm: a radiograph of credit card fraud cases, Ciberspazio e Diritto, 15, n. 51, 2/3-2014, 341-374 (published 2015).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Dreptul tehnologiei informaţiilor şi comunicaţiilor, Ed. Albastră (2014).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Break on Through: An Analysis of Computer Damage Cases, 14 Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law & Policy, Vol. XIV, 158-201 (2014).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, End-user Privacy and Security Threats on UGC Websites, In “Crimes, Criminals and the new Criminal Codes: Assessing the Effectiveness of the Legal Response - In Honorem Professor George Antoniu”, Ed. Accent, 73-80 (2014).

Ioana Vasiu, Istoria Dreptului Românesc: Studii, Sinteze, Comentarii, Ed. Albastră (2014).

Ioana Vasiu, Protecţia securităţii sistemelor informatice potrivit legislaţiei în vigoare, Revista de Drept Public, XIX (45), 4, 115-120 (2014).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Cyberstalking Nature and Response Recommendations, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(9), 229-234 (2013).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, The Cybercrime Challenge: Does the Romanian Legislation Answer Adequately?, Law Review: International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence Online, Vol. III, Issue 2, July-December, 42-51 (2013).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, We Create, You Tube, They Infringe: Cases and Considerations Regarding Intellectual Property Rights on User Generated Content Websites, Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, 3/2013, 95-103 (2013).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, The First E-Commandment: Thou Shall Not Track Without Consumers' Informed Consent, Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, 3/2012, 197-201 (2012).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Criminalitatea în cyberspaţiu (Cybercriminality), Universul Juridic (2011).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Licenţa de folosire a programelor informatice, Constituţie sau Dictat? (The Software License Agreement: Constitution or Diktat?), Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, 3/2011, 62-68 (2011).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Protecţia varietăţilor de plante prin drept de proprietate intelectuală (Protection of Plant Varieties by Intellectual Property Right), Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review, 2/2010, 162-168 (2010).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Informatică juridică şi drept informatic, Albastră (2009).

Ioana Vasiu, National Reports - Romania, International Review of Penal Law, Vol. 79, 3/4, 259-270 (2008).

Ioana Vasiu, The Rights of the Defence in Fraud Investigations: The Case of Romania, In “Defence Rights during Administrative Investigations” (Eds. O. Jansen & P. M. Langbroek), Intersentia, Antwerpen-Oxford, 317-366 (2007).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Afaceri electronice: Aspecte legale, tehnice şi manageriale, Ed. Albastră (2007).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Top Management Skills in E-Government: A Conceptual Framework, Journal of e-Government, Vol. 2(3), 5-17 (2006).

Ioana Vasiu et al., Roumanie/Romania, In “L'administration de la justice en Europe et l'évaluation de sa qualité” (Eds. Marco Fabri, Jean-Paul Jean, Philip Langbroek & Hélène Pauliat), Montchrestien, Paris, 339-363 (2005).

Lucian Vasiu & Ioana Vasiu, Dissecting Computer Fraud: From Definitional Issues to a Taxonomy, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer, USA (2004).

Lucian Vasiu & Ioana Vasiu, A Taxonomy of Malware Use in the Perpetration of Computer-related Fraud, In U.E. Gattiker (Ed.), EICAR 2004 Conference: Best Paper Proceedings, Copenhagen: EICAR e.V. (2004).

Lucian Vasiu & Ioana Vasiu, Riscul de atac electronic asupra sistemelor de informaţii, In “Fenomene şi procese cu risc major la scară naţională”, Filip, F.G. & Simionescu, B. C. (Coords.), Ed. Academiei Române, 145-165 (2004).

Ioana Vasiu, Provision of information by courts - the case of Romania, In “Provision of information by courts and court administration: A comparative inventory of eight European Countries and in the USA” (Eds. P.M. Langbroek & W.J.M. Voermans), Utrecht, 89-95 (2004).

Antonie Iorgovan & Ioana Vasiu, Press offences - the real balance between press liberty and personal dignity, In “The contributions of mass media to the enlargement of the European Union”, A. Landuyt, R. de la Brosse & I. Horga *Eds.), Jean Monet Project & International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Brussels (2003).

Antonie Iorgovan, Ioana Les & Ioana Vasiu, Quality and Justice in Romania, În „The Administration of Justice in Europe: Towards the development of quality standards”, M. Fabri, P. M. Langbroek & H. Pauliat (Eds.), Editrice Lo Scarabeo, Bologna, Italy (2003).

Ioana Vasiu & Lucian Vasiu, Totul despre hackeri, Ed. Nemira (2001).

Ioana Vasiu, Criminalitatea informatică, Ed. Nemira (1998).

Victor-Valeriu Patriciu, Ioana Vasiu & Şerban-George Patriciu, Internetul şi dreptul, Ed. All Beck, Bucharest (1999).


Speaker, "Cyber Disinformation Risk Perception and Control", Defending Democracy Colloquium, Indiana University (online), 2023.

Speaker, I Do Not "WannaCry" Anymore: Cybersecurity New Framework, Legal Accelerators Conference, 2021.

Speaker, International Summer Law School, 14th Edition Law, Culture, Artificial Intelligence, 2021.

Speaker, "Legal Aspects Concerning Eletronic Business in the Era of Disruptive Technologies", 11th Commercial Law Conference, 2021.

Chairperson, TAIEX Workshop on Security Threats amid COVID-19-Cybercrime, European Commission, 2020.

Speaker, Culture of Lawfulness: International Training Workshop on Utilizing the E4JTraining Modules in Central European Higher Education, University of Pecs and UNODC, 2020.

Speaker, Legal Accelerators Conference, 2020.

Keynote Address: Future of Mind, Future of Privacy, Future of Security, Online Conference “Data Privacy & Security”, 14 May 2020.

Keynote Address: E-Evidence, Privacy, Trust, “Poliţia Română: Viziune, concepte şi valori integrate în sistemul judiciar european” (Romanian Police: Vision, Concepts, and Values Integrated in the European Judicial System) Conference, 20 March 2019.

Keynote Address: Essential Legal Aspects Regarding Workplace Bots and Smart Contracts, International Conference “Legal Aspects of the Digital Economy”, 21 November 2018, Cluj-Napoca.

Keynote Address: Cyberviolence: Typology and Cases of Pernicious Speech on Facebook, International Conference “Protecting Personal Safety, Privacy, and Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace”, 26 October 2018 (with Lucian Vasiu).

Keynote Address: Essential Aspects Concerning the Processing of Personally Identifiable Information, International Conference “Protecting Personal Safety, Privacy, and Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace”, 26 October 2018.

GDPR: A Privacy Panacea in the World of Big Data and IoT, or Big Implementation Conundrum for Organzations?, “GDPR Made Easy” Conference, Cluj-Napoca, June 2018.

Consent Under GDPR: Essential Attributes, Modalities, and Dynamics, "GDPR: From Theory to Practice" Conference, Cluj Bar Association, June 2018.

Keynote Address: A Radiograph of Computer Source Code Misappropriation Cases, International Conference “Advanced Cyberlaw and Electronic Security”, Cluj-Napoca, 16 June 2017 (with Lucian Vasiu).

Keynote Address: A Roentgenogram of Cyberstalking Cases, International Conference “Preventing and Combating Cybercrime”, Cluj-Napoca, 20-21 May 2016 (with Lucian Vasiu).

Workshop Moderator, “Actual Strategies for Fighting Traditional Organized Crime; International Cooperation in Criminal Matters", International Conference "The Efficiency of Legal Norms”, June 2015.

“Illegal Interference with Public Administration Computer Data and Systems”, Public Administration in Crisis Situations Conference, National School of Political And Administrative Studies, Bucharest, Romania, October 2014.

Keynote Speaker, Break on Through: An Analysis of Computer Damage Cases, Cybersecurity Romania Conference, Swiss WebAcademy, Sibiu, October 2014.

Keynote Speaker, User Generated Content Websites: A Profitable Medium for Cybercriminals, Cybersecurity Romania Conference, Swiss WebAcademy, Sibiu, September 2013.

Keynote Speaker, “Criminalitatea economică financiară în secolul 21” Conference, Oxygen Events, National Bank of Romania and IBM, Bucharest, Romania, 20-21 March 2012.

Workshop Moderator, “The Efficiency of Legal Norms” Conference, Cluj-Napoca, 2014.

Panel Chair, “Online Privacy: Consenting to your Future” Conference, Malta, 2013.

“The Security of Computer Data and Systems and the Romanian Criminal Law”, International Conference “Criminal repression in the context of the economic crisis and the maximization of crime at european and global level”, Romanian Association of Penal Law and the International Association of Penal Law, Bucharest, Romania, 2013.

“Cyberstalking: Forms and regulatory challenges”, Efficiency of Legal Norms Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2012. 

Keynote Speaker, “Eastern and Western Europe Privacy and Internet Attitudes: A Cross Cultural Comparison”, Workshop on Cultural Differences, Consent Conference, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy, 2011.

Keynote Speaker, “Infracţiuni la graniţa de est a Uniunii Europene. Criminalitatea informatică”, Vâlcea Bar Association, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania, 2011.

“Structures and processes for consultation: The advancement of transparency in enhancing the quality of public administration” Forum, Hellenic Institute of Administrative Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2008.

Moderator, Section “With ICT, Transparency, and Accountability we can win the war on corruption”, RCPAR/HIAS Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2008.

“National Report Romania”, Preparatory Colloquium of the XVIII International Congress of Penal Law, Section II - Criminal Law. Special Part: Financing of Terrorism, Cleveland, OH, USA, April 2008.

“E-government Applications in the Service of Citizens” Seminar, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2006.

Strategies for Revitalising Public Administration in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe and the CIS countries Seminar, Ptolemaida-Kozani, Greece, 2005.

“Fighting Corruption in Justice: The importance of Leadership, Staff selection and Sanctions”, Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Bern, Switzerland, 2005.

“A Meromorphic Model for Discouraging Corruption in Public Organizations”, Annual Conference of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration, Como, Italy, 2005.

“The Romanian Integrated Justice Information System”, Implementing High Quality Regulation: Communication, Compliance and Enforcement Seminar, organized by the OECD, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2004.

“Top Management Skills in E-Government: A Conceptual Framework”, Joint Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Administration and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration, Seoul, Korea, 2004.

“A Conceptual Framework of Leadership in Justice Organizations: Context, Organizational Characteristics and Skills from a Romanian Perspective”, Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2004.

“Achieving quality e-government through people – Insights from a transition country”, Annual Conference of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration, Miami, USA, 2003.

“Managing the integration of justice information systems in Romania”, Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Oeiras, Portugal, 2003.

“The qualities and the importance of transparency for good governance – Challenges for the developing countries”, 2nd specialized Conference of the International Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, India, 2002.

“Privacy concerns associated with the integration of justice information systems in Romania”, Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Potsdam, Germany, 2002.

“Globalisation and governance in interaction – Real challenges for the developing countries”, Annual Conference of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002.

“Justice Reform versus Justice Corruption”, Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Vaasa, Finland, 2001.


· SANS AI Cybersecurity Forum, 2024.

· IP Case Law Conference, EUIPO, 29-30 April 2024.

· World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival, Cannes, France, 2024.

· ETSI Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference: Status, Implementation and Way Forward of AI Standardization, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2024.

· European Law Institute Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2023.

· 7th ENISA-ESOs Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference, Feb 2023.

· Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Public Administration – Developing Impact Assessments and Public Participation for Digital Democracy Webinar, European Law Institute, Nov 2021.

· Protection of Personal Data in Uncertain Times, ERA Online debate, 7 October 2021.

· Stanford Cyber Policy Center Fall Webinar Series, Nov 2021.

· Certificate of Attendance, IP Mediation Conference, EUIPO, 22 – 23 March 2021.

· Certificate of Attendance, "Data Protection in Law Enforcement" Conference, Academy of European Law, 2020.

· "Realising the European Open Science Cloud Conference" Conference, EOSC-hub, SSHOC, and FREYA, 2020.

· e-IRG Webinar “Future skills in the new European Research Area”, May 25, 2020.

· "Current Reflections on EU Gender Equality Law" Seminar, Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, 2019.

· Citizen vs Customer Seminar, Second Trans-European Dialogue (TED2), Helsinki, Finland, 2009.

· UNDP/RCPAR Training, Turin, Italy, 2009.

· “Together we are stronger? Harmonising the fight against fraud and corruption in Europe” Conference, OLAF, Cologne, Germany, 2008.

· “Rights of the Defense in actions against Fraud” Seminar, OLAF, Brussels, Belgium, 2005.

· “Quality of Justice in Europe” Seminar, Grotius II (Penal), European Commission, Paris, France, May 2003.

· Grotius II (Penal) Seminar, European Commission, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2002.

· General and Specialized Courses on Human Rights Law, European University Institute, Academy of European Law, Florence, Italy, 2001.


· Excellence in Scientific Research Prize, BBU, 2023.

· Excellence in Scientific Research Prize, BBU, 2017.

· “Vintila Dongoroz” Prize, Romanian Jurists Union, 2016.






· Excellent command of English and Romanian.

· Good command of Spanish and French.