Conferences and Engagements

My areas of intervention cover leadership and entrepreneurship. Examples of themes appear in the videos below, in the poster on the right, or in the list of my videos.

My interventions are primarily private, mainly through ESSEC, but some are public.

To be kept informed of upcoming public conferences:

In particular, some students have asked me to be able to share their educational experience with their family or friends, in the form of conferences open to the public and fun.

In 2019-2020, I therefore opened some dates on the theme of "Myths of Performance," at the Théatre du Marais. An excerpt is available below or on my conference page on FB.

Cooking and Management...

Cooking is a practice that surprisingly echoes the management of organizations. I sometimes link an intervention on intrapreneurship with a cooking session where executives can practice and collectively reflect on different ways to combine ingredients... The picture below was taken during such a session at the Escoffier School / Ritz, for the COMEX of a major American group.

Extract Public Conference  

"Management Myths

at Théatre du Marais 

(more information on Facebook page)

2020-04-14 Masterclass on

"Covid and Gouvernance" 

(more info and the comics version )

Masterclass on 

"Lean Venturing"

(more information)