Fabrice L. Cavarretta
See also all my articles, classified by theme and consolidating practitioner's writings.
See also my researcher profiles available in following academic databases: Google Scholar, WoS , ORCID, Scopus, ResearchGate, Academia.edu, WorldCat, SemanticScholar, TheLens, IdRef, Sudoc, HAL, VIAF, ISNI, BNF, OpenAlex.
To cite, you can download all citations in Refer (RIS) format (until 2021)
Research Grants
[24] CY Initiative Grant project: “The uncertainty of knowledge”. A joint multidisciplinary collaboration CYU & Eutopia (participant, PI : L. Radut-Gaghi) Theme: “Paths of scientific reasoning in the public debate on climate change”
[18] University-wide (COMUE) Grant for 2 years Postdoc (120 k€). A joint collaboration with the University of Cergy-Pontoise Computer Science dpt. (co PI, with Dimitri Kotzinos/ETIS). 2019-2021.. Theme: “A Big Data approach to the evolution of beliefs among entrepreneurs: Analysis and modelling of the social calculation of theories of action”
Journal publications
[26] Weary of the Harsh Realities of People Management? Leadership Development as Cultivating a Taste for Muddy Situations. Organizational Dynamics. (2024). <download>
[25] Extracting Unique Discussions of Interests for Entrepreneurs and Managers in a Set of Business Tweets without Any Human Bias. IEEE Access, 2023 (with Mansouri, J., Swaileh, W., & Kotzinos, D.) <download and cite>
[20] Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroads: Challenging Taken-for-Granted Assumptions and Opening New Perspectives Journal of Management Inquiry accepted 2022 (with Michela Loi, Alain Fayolle, Dema Refai, David Higgins, Radi Haloub, Marcus Alexandre Yshikawa Salusse, Erwan Lamy, Caroline Verzat, Marco van Gelderen, Elen Riot) [CNRS:3] <download> <to cite>
[21] On the hard problem of selecting bundles of rules: A conceptual exploration of heuristics emergence processes Management Decision 2021 [CNRS:4] <download>
[19] Effort is Dead, Long Live Effort: Performance as ‘Planning for a Good Trip’. Organizational Dynamics 2020 49/4. Doi: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.07.001 [CNRS:2] <download>
[16] When “It Depends” Amounts to More Than Simple Contingent Relationships: Three Canonical Forms of Inversions. Journal of Organizational Behavior 2016 37/6: 933–945 doi: 10.1002/job.2093 (with Laura Trinchera, Dong Ook Choi, and Hannah, Sean T.) [CNRS:2] <download>
[15] Task complexity and shared value orientation: exploring the moderators of a social dilemma in team social networks. Industrial and Corporate Change 2016 25:739-56 doi: 10.1093/icc/dtv046 (with Godart, Frédéric C. and Thiemann, Matthias) [CNRS:1] <download>
[14] Debunking the false dichotomy of leadership idealism and pragmatism: Critical evaluation and support of newer genre leadership theories. Journal of Organizational Behavior 2014. 35/5: 598-621. Doi: 10.1002/job.1931 (with Hannah, S. T., J. J. Sumanth, and P. Lester) [CNRS:2] <download>
[12] Who Changes Course? The Role of Domain Knowledge and Novel Framing in Making Technology Changes. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2012. 6/3: 236-256 (with N. Furr & S. Garg) [CNRS:2] <download>
[08] A framework for examining leadership in extreme contexts. The Leadership Quarterly 2009 20/6 897-919 (with Hannah, S.T., M. Uhl-Bien, B.J. Avolio) [CNRS:2] <download>
[03] Le marché des systèmes de paiements électroniques. Systèmes et Sécurité 1996 4/4:79
Proceedings and Conference Papers
[22] Completely Unsupervised Opinion Mining in online (professional groups’) discussions Networks (Sunbelt & NetSci), Indiana University 2021 (with Mansouri, J., Swaileh, W., & Kotzinos, D.)
[13] Task complexity and value orientation: Exploring the moderators of a dilemma in social networks, AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings 2013. Academy of Management, Orlando. (with F. Godart & M. Thiemann)
[32] Which Entrepreneurship Paradigm? Exploring the Epistemic Properties of Keystone Rules. Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2013 (1), 13633 (w/ N. Furr) <download>
[11] Too much of a good thing? Resources effects in new ventures. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2011. 31/3 (with N. Furr)
[09] Getting disoriented by extreme events: An invitation beyond the looking-glass of averages and toward variability-based learning. Actes de la conference. AIMS 2009.
[07] Distinguishing Extreme vs. Average Performance in Nascent Firms: Putting Risk Back into Entrepreneurship Research. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2009, 29(22) (with A. Robb)
[05] Impacts of intrateam diversity on team performance variance: two ways to take chances. G. Solomon, ed. AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings 2007. Academy of Management, Atlanta, 1-6.
[28] Prière de rendre votre écosystème moins absurde que vous l’avez trouvé : 20 leçons sur notre (r) apport au vivant et au social, (forthcoming 2024), avec E. Lenoir
[31] Oui! La France est un paradis pour entrepreneurs, Plon, 2016. (plus d'information sur la page du livre)
[27] Wishing for shift: A paradigm perspective on ecological transition (2025) In H. Bouthinon-Dumas, A. Chatterjee & B. Leca (Eds.), Navigating the Ecological Transition. <download preprint>
[17] Une exploration des propriétés épistémiques des règles « clés de voûte » des entrepreneurs, in Morin, Edgar & Bibard, Laurent « Complexité et organisations » Faire face aux défis de demain, Eyrolles 2018, Paris, p83
[06] Quels compromis pour composer l'équipe entrepreneuriale, 2008, in H. Bouchikhi, ed. L'Art d'Entreprendre : des Idées pour Agir Pearson Education, Paris, 55
[04] Method and system for enlisting the help of other people via a communications network”. Patent Filed 09/988,435, USPTO, 2001, Washington, DC, jointly with A. de Changy
White papers, thesis and reports
[23] A Neo-Carnegie & Pragmatist Perspective on Managerial Uncertainties, Habilitation à Diriger des Thèses (HDR), Université de Lille 2021
[10] The Management and Organization Science Puzzle: Questions from a Metaphorical Comparison of Medicine and Management, NSF White Paper 2011, SBE2020 (with N. Furr)
Composition de l'équipe et Variabilité de la Performance, PhD Thesis, INSEAD/Université Paris Dauphine 2008 (notices sudoc, worldcat)
[03] Le marché des systèmes de paiements. Systèmes et Sécurité 1996 4(4) 79 (with J. de Silva) [english version: Payment Mechanisms for the Internet Commerce]
[02] High-definition and digital television market, Matra/Strategic Studies, 1991, ENSTA M.Sc. final thesis (in French) <download>
[01] An expert system simulation of Spinoza’s Ethics, EDF Research Center 1988, Polytechnique, B.A. final thesis.
Working Papers
[wp23] For the Boss too, Motivation and Expectations Rule: Approaching Leadership as an Aesthetic Problem
[wp22] Value(s) Shine yet Only Paradigms Happen: On Defocusing Stakeholder Theory
[wp20] Toward a Scholarship of Optimal and Instantiable Theories of Action: An Extension of Theory Jurisdiction on Managerial Actors’ Paradigms
[wp10] An Inquiry into the Epistemic Properties of Entrepreneurs’ Keystone Rules. ESSEC WP 1415 (with Nathan Furr) <download>
[wp09] Building Theory based on Variability: Reinterpreting the Contradictions of Resources in New Ventures (with Nathan Furr) [best paper awards at AIE11 & ACERE14]
[wp08] Leadership Beyond the Tipping Point: Toward the Discovery of Inversions and Complementary Hypotheses (2015). ESSEC Working Paper 1519 (SSRN). (with Hannah, Sean and Piccolo, Ronald F)
[wp07] Influence of team diversity on organizational hazard: distinguishing effects on along-time vs. cross-task performance variability
[wp06] Getting disoriented by extreme events: An invitation beyond the looking-glass of averages and toward variability-based learning. INSEAD Working Papers Collection (2008/04/OB) 36
[wp05] Better, best or worst teams? Linking intra-team diversity to extreme performance. INSEAD Working Paper 2007/56/OB. Fontainebleau. <download>