
Linux source v1: Click the fce3d-linux-sdl-src.zip link below.

Windows executable Under development


TAS Forums (updated with latest progress)

What is it?

FCE3D is a forked adaptation of the NES emulator FCEUX (version 2.2.2) which adds a voxel engine to the renderer, allowing you to play NES games in psuedo 3-D.

It is currently only available for people who can compile it for themselves in Linux, or those for who wish to compile the SDL version for Windows, as it requires OpenGL. In order to get this working for Windows, I need to add support for OpenGL in the Windows version, as it is currently not supported. This is being worked on.

As the video to the right will explain, this really only works well with games that have a predominantly solid background color, since it only ignores that one color when rendering the scene. It works great with old school games, like early arcade games that pre-date the NES. It also works well with early side-scrollers whose background is not too complicated (e.g. Super Mario Bros. series).

There are three methods of selecting the background color; use the system color, choose a color at a specific coordinate, or poll the scene for the most common color (expensive!). Add some point I will try to provide a full breakdown of the options.

What's coming

Not a lot, this project lost all momentum. If you're a programmer who is willing to help out with this, and port it to something else, contact me: procyon.sjj at gmail.