
English COMMAND.DAT Instructions

The command.dat is not supported by the official build of MAME. It is supported by derivative or unofficial builds that add to the basic (and already fantastic) functionality that MAME provides. Two such builds are MAME 32 Plus and MAME 32 FX. Download one or the other and install them in your MAME folder (they can live side by side with the official build). Now download the command.dat archive. You need to unzip it to the proper directory. If you are using MAME 32 FX, then put the command.dat in the same directory as your MAME 32 FX executable. However, if you are using MAME 32 Plus, and your MAME directory is C:\MAME, then you would unzip the file to the C:\MAME\lang\en_US directory.

Once you have installed the command.dat to the correct directory, you are ready to view it. Start a game you would like to see the commands for in MAME. To access the moves list, press TAB, choose "Game Documents", and then choose "Show Command List". From there, you can select which ever character you would like to know about. You can also map the Show Command List to a single button press by assigning a button to "Show Command" under "Input (general)."