Strategies for Optimizing Your Prior Authorization

Prior authorization has always been a complex state of affairs. More than 83% of healthcare leaders in fact complained of prior authorization being stressful and time consuming. In fact, at times the authorization burdens end up making resources frustrated and with the feeling of burnout as well.

It is no secret that even today providers still end up facing problems with prior authorization as insurers continue to increase the prior authorization requirements. With the ever changing billing regulations managing prior auth at times can be quite a strain on staff resources and increase the operational expenses as well for many in the healthcare industry. This is why Sunknowleddge is here to help resolve your prior auth complications efficiently.

Sunknowledge – optimize your prior authorization complications:

Helping you prevent all the unnecessary pre auth denials using customized solutions and best practice processes, Sunknowledge for the past 15 + years are known for delivering state of art solutions to many.

Working seamlessly on prior authorization initiation, approval and follow up; Sunknowledge works on leaving no auth denials behind.

Identify factors creating revenue cycle staffing challenges and improve your productivity metrics, the expert further work constantly on improving your authorization rate by 1.5-2x; ensuring 100 % authorization submission on the same day.

With a dedicated team of authorization experts working continuously and ensuring faster authorization consent, the experts also prevent errors.

Improving your prior authorization workflow so you experience better ROI, Sunknowledge has dedicated resources working constantly at only $7 an hour without compromising on billing productivity. Ensuring the right checks and balances, Sunknowledge today is known for 99.9% accuracy and precision; reduction of your operational cost by 80% and shrinking old aging accounts as old as three years.

Maximizing front-end staff, incorporating automation whenever needed and ensuring correct audits and eligibility verification process, Sunknowledge with the right workflow strategy reduces prior authorization complications in no time.

So what are you waiting for? Looking for operational extension support that can enhance your authorization workflow and productivity so you can focus on patient care, Sunknowledge is the ideal destination.