
Dear Entrepreneurs,

This Business Design Template is a useful tool to organise your thoughts when working on your business design. This particular template is used by students who need to Graduate on their Own Company at StudentsInc.

To create your own website, klick on "use this template" at the top of this page and follow the instructions. You can change everything about this website if you like and personalize it anyway you want. In the end of the day its your own work. When you make documents we propose you use Google Docs and store them in your portfolio folder on Google Drive. For the best user experience we suggest you use Chrome as you browser and log in to Chrome with your Google account.

This template follows the steps in the "Design Thinking" process, with is developed by Tim Brown at IDEO. The method greatly helps entrepreneurs orient themselves within the design process.

You can change this page into your own home page.

Good luck and regards.

Nils de Witte

Introduction to Google Sites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD-4FRTzxkI

Tutorial on how to use Google Sites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVrZWPql8UU