Chapters MCAKG

Chapter 1

in Forum > My Case Against Kate Gosselin

preesi 3865 posts Friday, 15. February 2008 04:35AM

Alot of people are angry with Kate Gosselin...


First of all lets start off with a comment her Mother Charlene Kreider said in the local newspaper:

Kate’s mother, Charlene Kreider, said her daughter always wanted to be a mother. Kate Gosselin always wanted twins, Kreider said, and her love for children influenced her choice to pursue a career as a labor and delivery nurse.

“She got her twins and went beyond that,” Kreider said.

Now, lets read Kates own words from her own website:

I had wanted children right away, but Jon wasn’t ready. I had a nagging feeling since I was a child that I would have a hard time getting pregnant. So, that fall I decided to get testing done and I was right. I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Basically, I don’t ovulate and would need help getting pregnant. So we decided to check out a fertility doctor and decided to try just in case it would take a long time to get pregnant. It didn’t take a long time at all! Januarys’ cycle failed, but by February I was pregnant! We were ecstatic!!!!!!!!


The girls turned one and I started thinking about more children….After all, the girls had been pure fun and I wanted to do it again! But, Jon wasn’t convinced. I prayed for a long time that God would change his mind.


We decided that in October we would return for “round two”, but I got impatient (imagine that!) and went back in August right before our family trip to Disney World. August failed! When we returned, we switched doctors and tried again in October…….That cycle was perfect! Everything went great! I was told I had 3 with a possibility of 4 follicles, and that was a great cycle! The only thing that made our doctor nervous was the fact that we were absolutely opposed to reduction and that we were concerned about multiples again. We prayed about this and just like our peace about returning in October f or this, we felt peace about proceeding. So we did! Five weeks later, (after my hospitalization for over stimulated ovaries) we were at our initial ultrasound and learned the news. I will never forget this day as long as I live. There were seven sacs with four yolk sacs, or babies in four of them. At the count of four, I was scared. At five I started crying and at six I was shaking absolutely sobbing.


Kate Kreider Gosselin was a 24 year old newlywed when she (on a childhood whim) went to a fertility Dr, even though her new husband didnt want kids yet, and got put on Fertility meds IMMEDIATELY and immediately conceived the twins, that shed wanted since childhood...

She says she has something called PCOS. Looking at Kate, she does not fit the profile of PCOS, fat, hairy (chest, back, face), balding, sugar and insulin issues.

But she could have it I dont know, but those who do have it are saying that NO DOCTOR would give any new patient FERTILITY drugs without making them TRY to get pregnant on their own for at least a year... Its completely UNETHICAL.

Secondly why did she suddenly SWITCH DOCTORS in order to get pregnant the second time? Was she not able to CON the first Dr into giving her Fertility Drugs again?


MORE Of Kates Own Words:

In May 2003, we had the opportunity to adopt a newborn in kind of a rare circumstance. Things were moving really fast and we prayed about it and felt that this was not meant to be. Jon and I came to a joint decision that we were not ready to take on such a responsibility at the time. We felt God leading us that way. Jon was amazed that I so willingly “turned down a baby”. It hurt so badly, but I knew we were doing the right thing. I mourned for the better part of a month and it was then that Jon agreed to let us return to try and have another baby. He saw just how badly I wanted to be a mommy again.


Jon is half Korean and the baby they were given to adopt was full Korean. If Kate REALLY LOVED CHILDREN, she would have adopted this child. Her own husband was admittedly AMAZED that she didnt want that baby... Instead, she went for another pregnancy, very soon after turning down the SINGLE child.

After theyve had the "TUPS", Kate still hints that she wants MORE children, yet she TURNED ONE DOWN...


Some people are starting to speculate that Kate Gosselin tricked the first Dr into giving her Fertility Drugs and when he/she figured out she didnt have fertility issues REFUSED to do anything for her the second pregnancy....

How coincidental is it that a girl says she always wanted twins then GETS them?

I know of a Psychologist who believes that Kate suffers from a form of MUNCHAUSENS in which she has a emotional fetish that makes Kate addicted to PLURAL pregnancy and the ATTENTION it brings her.

On to Chapter # 2...