Chapter 2

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Chapter # 2:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Hates Kate Gosselin!

After the TUPS were born the State of Pa paid for one year of free nursing...

The TUPS were declared a State Treasure by the Governor at the time and a bill was passed giving them free, taxpaid college educations...

People sent them all kinds of free stuff and volunteered to help.

But it wasnt enough for KATE GOSSELIN. NOOOOOOOOOOO!

She wanted MORE MORE MORE!

So EVEN after loads of volunteers put an addition on to their house, took classes (on their own time) on how to care for multiples and hundreds of people donated time and supplies, KATE was still not satisfied!

Kate had the audacity to COMPLAIN that the clothing that was donated DID NOT MATCH!

The Food wasnt ORGANIC.

And the VOLUNTEERS had to be told what to do repeatedly!

OH NOOOOO! (Sarcasm)

She then decided to declare her kids DISABLED to get another free year of state taxpaid nursing....

From the news:

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (PA) - May 15, 2005

Eight is enough

Kate and Jonathan Gosselin want you to pretend that their sextuplets are disabled. If you play along, they can keep the free nurse provided by Medicaid to help raise the six 1-year-olds and the Gosselins' 4-year-old twin daughters in their Berks County home. Mom and Dad will plead their case at a hearing on Thursday.


If the switch to a home-health aide is made, Kate Gosselin fears she would need a long time to find the right worker.

In the meantime, she said, “It's me with eight children, which is not fair.”


The state's medical consultant testified that Krall bathes and feeds the infants, changes diapers and cleans their surroundings. A daily vitamin is the only medicine the infants take. “I could find no medical need to have a skilled nurse in the house,” he said. “What the Gosselins need is someone to stay with mom and dad.”



The family cannot afford to pay Krall on its own, she said. Jonathan Gosselin, an information-technology specialist who now works in the Governor's Office, was unemployed for much of last year. Kate Gosselin said she felt society had a responsibility to help with the children, since modern medicine promotes the use of fertility drugs, which can lead to multiple births.

(Jons job at the Governors office was CREATED for him, so he could provide for his family...)



After ALL that their community and state did for them. After all the people that TRAINED and WORKED to get them going still didnt seem enough to satisfy her, the community started to feel betrayed. Most people in Reading, Pa's opinion of Kate has soured...

When her church tried to get their house remodelled on EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER and they turned them down, the community paid out of pocket to build an addition onto their house.

Shortly thereafter Kate whored the kids out to REALITY TV and because Kate wasnt liked much anymore, they had to move a few counties away.

Kate feels ENTITLED! Kate LOVES all the ATTENTION!