Teaching Programs and Conferences

Liberal Arts Colleges Development Economics Conference (LAC-DEV), Main Organizer, 2013 and Co-organizer, 2014, 2015, 2016.

This inaugural conference brings together faculty working in Development Economics at Liberal Arts Colleges. It will provide a forum to discuss recent research and teaching in development economics. This will help foster exchange and collaboration among Liberal Arts Colleges Faculty and students. The conference will include presentation sessions with discussants, a keynote speech by a leading development economist and also a session on teaching development economics in the liberal arts setting.

Development Week, University of Navarra, Visiting Fellow and Instructor, 2012, 2013, 2014.

Development Week (Development Week) is an international summer meeting between graduate students, academics and professionals in development. The first edition of this event was held at the University of Navarra in June 2012 and since then has gained in strength and international participation. The courses are intended for graduate students and professionals interested in the study in economic growth and development of developing countries from several points of view: economic, political, social, cultural, etc.

Liberal Arts Initiative Summer School (LAISS), Instructor, 2013

Liberal Arts in China Summer School (LAISS) is a two week summer school aiming to promote the liberal arts ideal in China, especially among the high school students. It is characterized by small, discussion based classes and direct interactions with professors, who, for this year, will come from Amherst College. The rigor of the classes will be at least at par with typical Amherst College classes, and therefore, they are meant to be challenging even for the brightest high school students.