CS 292G: Topics in Quantum Cryptography (Winter 2022)


Instructor: Prabhanjan Ananth

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1pm to 2:50pm 

Location: Phelps 3526

Office Hours: 1119 Harold Frank Hall, Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:00pm to 3:30pm

First Lecture: January 3, 2022

Announcements will be made on Slack. The link to the discussion forum will be made available to students registered in the course. Please note that the mask mandate is in place: it is mandatory to wear masks during the lectures.


Course Description:  In this course, we will understand the impact of the existence of quantum computers on cryptography. The course will be roughly divided into three parts: 

Course Prerequisites: Discrete mathematics, linear algebra and probability. This course is suitable for mathematically mature undergraduate students and graduate students interested in learning about quantum computing and cryptography. 

Course Evaluation (tentative): 2 to 4 assignments. For each assignment, you will be given roughly one week. The assignments will be collaborative in nature: at most 4 members can collaborate on an assignment. However, the solutions have to be written in your own words. There are a few ways to earn extra points (I'll post more details on Slack): (a) participate in the course, (b) scribe lectures and, (c) do research projects.  


Assignment 1 [PDF]. Due date: 01/26.

Assignment 2 [PDF]. Due date: 02/23.

Assignment 3 [PDF]. Due date: 03/18.

Lecture notes: 

Lecture 1: Introduction [PDF]

Fundamentals of Quantum Computing: 

Lecture 2: Pure and mixed quantum states [PDF]

Lecture 3: Quantum circuits and quantum one-time pads [PDF]

Lecture 4: More on mixed states and quantum one-time pad continued [PDF]

Lecture 5: Entanglement, partial trace and, purification [PDF]

Lecture 6: Quantum mysteries (no-cloning, teleportation and, CHSH) [PDF]

Post-Quantum and Quantum Cryptography

Lecture 7: Intro to post-quantum crypto [PDF]

Lecture 8: Computational Indistinguishability and Private-key Encryption [PDF]

Lecture 9: Public-key encryption [PDF]

Lecture 10: Digital signatures [PDF]

Lecture 11: Pseudorandomness - Part I [PDF]

Lecture 12: Pseudorandomness - Part II [PDF]

Lecture 13: Commitments - Part I [PDF]

Lecture 14: Commitments - Part II [PDF]

Lecture 15: Zero-Knowledge for NP - Part I [PDF]

Lecture 16: Zero-Knowledge for NP - Part II [PDF]

Lecture 17: QMA [PDF]

Lecture 18: Zero-knowledge for QMA [PDF]