CS 292G: Graduate Course in Quantum Computing

(Spring 2023)

Administrivia [PDF]

Assignment 1 [PDF]

Assignment 2 [PDF]

Lecture 1: Introduction to Quantum Computing [PDF

Lecture 2: Single-Qubit and Multi-Qubit Systems [PDF]

Lecture 3: Mixed States [PDF]

Lecture 4: Mixed States (continued) and Unitaries [PDF]

Lecture 5: Unitaries (continued) and Measurements [PDF]

Lecture 6: Quantum Circuits [PDF]

Lecture 7: Cliffords and Gottesman-Knill Theorem [PDF]

(Additional reference: [link]; Nielsen-Chuang has an excellent exposition on stabilizer formalism) 

Lecture 8: Quantum Fourier Transform [PDF]

(Additional reference: [link])

Quantum Algorithms

Lecture 9: Quantum Fourier Transform, continued [PDF]

Lecture 10: Deutsch-Josza, Bernstein-Vazirani and Simon's algorithms [PDF]

Lecture 11: Period finding algorithm [PDF]

Lecture 12: Order finding algorithm, Shor's algorithm [PDF]

Lecture 13: Hidden subgroup problem, phase estimation algorithm [PDF]

Lecture 14: Grover's search algorithm [PDF]

Advanced Topics 

Lecture 15: Quantum channels [PDF]

Lecture 16: Choi-Kraus Theorem, general measurements, dilation theorem [PDF]

Lecture 17: Distance measures, distinguishability of states [PDF]

Lecture 18: Teleportation, CHSH game, monogamy of entanglement [PDF]

Lecture 19: Complexity classes: QMA, QCMA [PDF]

Lecture 20: QMA amplification [PDF]