Mini Grants

Mini Grant Application Form  
[2024: Applications accepted May 1 through 31]

In June of 2020, the PPA created the mini grants program in response to negative impacts the Covid-19 pandemic had on planetariums. We awarded ten grants of $500 and $400 with success reflected in the recipients' reports. PPA continues this program and as of December 2023 has awarded altogether $7,785 through 17 mini grants. 

For the 2024 program, the maximum amount of each grant will be $1000
and up to 3 applicants will be selected.

PPA Mini Grant Guidelines 

The PPA accepts applications for mini grants to planetariums. The PPA is the community of planetariums in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Though any planetarium can apply for a mini grant, priority is given to PPA members. See our membership page for how to become a PPA member.

Above all, each applicant must show a need for the grant and communicate a specific use for the funds. Factors considered in the selection process include applications that are in line with any goals of the PPA IDEA Committee and ones which promote more engagement within the PPA and the larger planetarium community. 

Donate to the PPA Mini Grants program.
Use the above donation button or see home page for check-sending info.

PPA Mini Grant Requirements

A preliminary report summarizing the project is required within 8 months of when the grant funds were received. This period could be to up to 12 months if needed. Your proposal must include an estimate of the target date for submitting your mini grant report. The report shall include:

After submission of the preliminary report, Mini Grant Committee members may make suggestions for improvement or ask questions for which answers may be included in a final submitted report to be posted on the PPA website Mini Grant Reports page. 

Awardees are also invited to give a brief talk about the project at one of our (nearly) monthly Planetarians’ Zoom Seminars.

The 2024 mini grant application deadline is May 31, 2024 11:59 PM PDT. Awardees will be notified by June 10, 2024, at which time their names and project descriptions will be posted on the PPA website.

Mini Grant Application Form [2024 deadline: May 31, 11:59 pm PDT]

The 2023 Mini Grant recipient:

Ellen Thompson, The Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA:  Attend the Stars For All planetarium conference June 20-24, 2024, to present a talk on LHS' new "Dome As Exhibit" program. Ellen presented her experiences at the August 2023 Planetarians' Zoom Seminar, titled Professional Development of an Early Career Planetarian.

The 2022 Mini Grant recipients:

The 2021 Mini Grant recipients: 

PPA Mini Grant Committee:

The 2020 Mini Grant recipients: