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Marco A. C. Potenza

Associate Professor in Physics

University of Milan

Scopus: 7006591637

ORCID: 0000-0002-9379-6540

Google Scholar

> 100 papers

> 1600 citations (Scopus)

h-index: 23 (Scopus)

i10 index: 67 (scholar)


2009: calibrating COLLOID instrument before uploading to ISS

Since october 2023 I serve as the Director of the excellence centre for interfaces and nanostructured materials (CIMaINa) at the University of Milan.

I lead the Instrumental Optics Laboratory at the Physics Department of the University of Milan and CIMaINa

My activity is focused at conceiving and developing novel optical techniques and instrumentation based on light scattering and wavefront characaterization.

Since 2003 I work for developing space instrumentation for ESA.

I'm currently exploiting the fundamentals of light scattering in the fields of atmospheric optics, colloidal physics, astrophysics, paleoclimatology, proteins crystallization.

Extending statistical optics and wavefront characterization methods to X-rays, Free Electron Laser radiation and radiowaves is one of the main efforts of my lab. 

My interests are devoted to both science and applications, and I participate to technology transfer and R&D actions in collaboration with private companies. 

In 2018 I installed an instrument for characterizing airborne dust at DomeC, Antarctica, within the project OPTAIR funded by PNRA-CNR. In 2022 I installed an identical instrument in Arctic, at the CNR station "Dirigibile Italia" at Ny Alesund. 

I have been the Instrument Scientist for the COLLOID experiment aboard the International Space Station, supported by ESA, performed in collaboration with G. Wegdam and P. Shall from the University of Amsterdam. 

I have been responsible for National and European projects, as well as for many contracts with private companies in Europe. 

In 2001 I joined the Optics and Microgravity Research Laboratory, directed by Prof. Marzio Giglio. 

I graduated in astroparticle physics in 1996. I got a Ph.D. In 1999 in non-linear optics, optical instrumentation and holography with the late Prof. Yury Denisyuk from St. Petersburg.

I am member of the executive committee of the Physics Department and  vice-dean of the CIMAINA excellence centre. 


Since 1997 I collaborate with the Planetarium of Milan for the diffusion of the astrophysical culture. 


RAI3 june 6th 2022

TG2 Dossier May 2022

Il Giorno april 9th 2022

Interview La Stampa april 2022  

                            Interview RAI3 march 7th, 2015

                            Interview LA7 Nobel Prize 2013

    Sistema Università 42: http://www.unimi.it/ateneo/40927.htm

2014: walking along the LHC tunnel at CERN - Geneva