Semester 3

It is Christian allegory and also interpreted with religious interpretations. The play has very strong evidences of theory of existentialism, but still, it can be related with many other religious interpretations. Like, Christian myth of two thieves, waiting for second coming of Jesus Christ, Hindu philosophy and its ‘Avatar’ and other interpretations.

"Waiting for Godot" with religious interpretations

The characters of most of the stories by Poe are psychologically ill, suffering from psycho-phobia, split personality, insanity or psychological disorders.

“Black Skin White Masks” is a book about the mindset or psychology of racism. The book looks at what goes through the minds of blacks and whites under the conditions of white rule and the strange effects of that in black people.

In the essay, “Decolonizing teaching Materials and Strategies: Towards an alternative pedagogic”, C.Kannan presents colonial methods in English language teaching and tries to suggest alternative methods in ELT in India. He finds effects on colonialism in English language teaching in India and objects it.