Semester 1

Faustus’s story is tragedy in Christian terms, because he gives into temptation and is damned to hell. His principal sin in his great pride and ambition which can be contrasted with Christian virtue of humility; by letting this traits rule his life, Faustus allows his soul to be claimed by Christian cosmology’s prince of devils Lucifer...

‘She Stoops to Conquer’ is the best example of anti-sentimental comedy not only because it has characteristics and elements of anti-sentimentalism but also it has the spirit of “anti-sentimentalism” which we can easily find in Goldsmith. It is a very intellectual with emotional comedy where Goldsmith shows his spirit of anti-sentimentalism...

Elucidate Aristotle's definition of Tragedy

Aristotle’s ‘poetics’ is studied for his views, ideas and criticism of ‘Tragedy’ still today. A philosopher looks for ideal forms and tries to explain the nature of reality. The search for ideal forms led Aristotle to explore many subjects. His analysis of the ideal forms of tragedy plays became a guideline for later playwrights in western civilization.

Sri Aurobindo presents his views on modern Indian culture. He gives views about Indian civilization and also its revolutionary future. S. R. Sharma presents Sri Aurobindo’s views on a different subjects in his book-“Life and Works Of Sri Aurobindo”.

Sri Aurobindo's views on modern Indian Culture