Polish Onomastic Society

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The Polish Onomastic Society was established in 2018. It is a court‑registered association (Polish National Court Register number: KRS 0000755603).

The Polish Onomastic Society is affiliated to the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS).

According to the Statute the Society’s goal is:

    • to support and to initiate scientific linguistic and interdisciplinary research on proper names and to disseminate and promote the findings,

    • to support and to initiate scientific linguistic and interdisciplinary international cooperation in the field of proper names,

    • to support the scientific and general-public-oriented activities aimed at dissemination of the findings of proper name research,

    • to support the development of onomastics as a scientific branch of linguistics as well as concern for the formal, legal, and institutional framework of doing onomastics in Poland as well as in other countries,

    • to increase the visibility and impact of the onomastic research in the Polish and international scientific community, especially among linguists,

    • to integrate the Polish and international onomastic milieu,

    • to disseminate the onomastic knowledge in the general public and to promote reflection on proper names.

The Society gathers representatives of various linguistic subdisciplines as well as representatives of other science branches, whose main or secondary research field is constituted by proper names. The membership is available to everybody willing to collaborate on achieving the Society’s goals, regardless of his/her citizenship and affiliation.

We invite you to learn more about the Society’s activities as well as about the Members of the Polish Onomastic Society.