

"Financial incentives for vaccination do not have negative unintended consequences" [Pre-analysis plan], Florian Schneider*, Pol Campos-Mercade*, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, Erik Wengström, and Armando Meier*. (*Lead author)

"Motivating vaccination with financial incentives" with Florian Schneider, Devin Pope, and Armando Meier.

"Non-Bayesian Statistical Discrimination" [Pre-analysis plan], with Friederike Mengel.

"Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs" [Pre-analysis plan], large-scale collaboration lead by C. Huber, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, M. Johannesson, M. Kirchler and U. Weitzel.

"When are groups less moral than individuals?" [Pre-analysis plan] [Pre-print here] (single-authored)

"Monetary incentives increase COVID-19 vaccinations" [Pre-analysis plan], Pol Campos-Mercade*, Armando Meier*, Florian Schneider*, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, and Erik Wengström. (*Lead author)

"Anticipation of COVID-19 vaccines reduces social distancing" [Pre-analysis plan], with Ola Andersson, Armando Meier, and Erik Wengström

"Prosociality predicts health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic" [Pre-analysis plan], with Armando Meier, Florian Schneider, and Erik Wengström.

"The individual welfare costs of stay-at-home policies," with Ola Andersson, Fredrik Carlsson, Florian Schneider, and Erik Wengström

"The volunteer's dilemma explains the bystander effect," [Pre-print here] (single-authored)

Working Papers

"'De Gustibus' and Disputes about Reference Dependence" [Pre-analysis plan], with Lorenz Goette, Thomas Graeber, Alex Kellogg, and Charlie Sprenger.

"Performance thresholds, effort, and risk-taking" [Pre-analysis plan], with  Sergio Currarini, Carmen Marchiori, and Friederike Mengel.

"Threshold Incentives and Academic Performance" [Pre-analysis plan] [experimental instructions], with Erik Wengström.

Work in progress

"Incentives to Vaccinate," with Armando Meier, Florian Schneider, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, and Erik Wengström. 

  • Status: Data collection completed. Draft available soon!

"Prosociality predicts environmental behavior," with Claes Ek, Florian Schneider, and Magnus Söderberg. 

  • Status: Data collection completed. Draft available soon!

"Educational choice, social preferences, and the gender wage gap," with Sanna Bergvall, Eva Ranehill, Florian Schneider, and Erik Wengström.

  • Status: Data collection completed. Draft available soon!

"Incentives to reach high and low goals and academic performance," with Petra Thiemann and Erik Wengström.

  • Status: Data collection completed. Draft available soon!

"What Money Shouldn’t Buy: Aversion to Monetary Incentives for Health Behaviors," with Armando Meier, Florian Schneider, and Roberto Weber.

  • Status: Data collection completed. Draft available soon!

Non-academic and other publications

2021: "Monetary incentives increase COVID-19 vaccinations, nudges do not," VoxEU

2021: "Monetäre Anreize erhöhen COVID-19-Impfungen," Oekonomenstimme

2021: "¿Pueden los incentivos monetarios incrementar la vacunación contra la COVID-19?" (In Spanish), Nada es gratis.

2021: "Attityder och beteenden under covid-19-pandemin" (In Swedish), Ekonomisk Debatt.

2020: "Coronavirus: survey reveals what Swedish people really think of country’s relaxed approach," The Conversation.

2020: "Ekonomin oroar mer än sjukdomen" (In Swedish), Ekonomistas.

2018: "Haciendo estadística sin saberlo" (In Spanish), Nada es gratis.

2017: "Så kan vårt beteende styras smartare" (In Swedish), SvD Debatt.