
celebrity (definition) 1.someone who has a presence in the news media or on the internet. 2. someone who tells me they are a celebrity. contact me. if you wish to nominate yourself or someone else to this page send me a message.

Cousin David Guss is a professor of Anthropology at Tufts University, and, not surprisingly for an anthropologist, is very interested in our family. Of course, he gets to go on those fantastic field trips.Learn about some of his current interests which include The Lost Theaters of Somerville Project. David did a lot of the work to find our family and put together our family tree. For David, anthropology encompasses all the world.

David and Muriel Pokross are in the foreground with Helen Spaulding.  Cousin David Pokross started from humble roots and became  a prominent Boston attorney who died just a few years ago well into his nineties. He was noted for his involvement in Jewish and non-Jewish charitable activities, and his philanthropy. Jewish history was one of his interests, and it is not surprising that he was very supportive of efforts to reconnect and was very encouraging in the recent efforts to connect our dispersed family. His wife Muriel Kohn Pokross joined him in these activities. Muriel was also very active in her own right.

Cousin Jay Kislak is a member of a prominent family in New Jersey and Florida that is involved in real estate, banking, and philanthropy. Read about some of Jay's one of his charitable activities.

In fact, all the Kislak branch of the family is noted for being public spirited. Cousin Sima Kislak Jelin was especially interested in family, and was very eager to share family  stories when I met her in Florida a few years ago. Read a great article about Sima.

Cousin Lucy Fisher is a Hollywood producer. With her husband Douglas Wick her credits include Stuart Little  and many other notable films. Here  is an interview with some insight into recent Hollywood history.

Cousin Marvin Shinbrot was a world famous mathematician. Frankly, I can't understand what he did, but I know it was important. In his later years he liked to be called M. His son Troy Shinbrot is a professor of biomedical engineering  at Rugers University.  Read about fluid dynamics work he did with a grant from the national science foundation. Credit: Carlos Caicedo-Carvajal & Troy Shinbrot (2010)

Cousin Lary Zucker likes sports, so, he became an attorney. Go figure. Read about some of the cases he has defended.

Who is our most eloquent family member? Undoubtedly, its our cousin Linda Stein. If you live in South Florida, you have heard her on the radio.

here is a demo. Not convinced? Get the full story. And as the story goes, she is warm, sophisticated, sexy, smart, authoritative. And she has 

the voice to go with it. What if Linda's voice can't smooth the way? 

Cousin Jared Curhan specializes in negotiation and conflict management at MIT's Sloan School of Management. Click on his name and you will be soothed immediately.

If Jared can't help you go with the flow, perhaps the situation is more serious.Our cousin Dr. Mark Adleman, is the Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery at the New York University School of Medicine. He will do his best to keep things flowing-and circulating.