
Oh where are you, Arlyne Silverstein?for many years, I have sung that phrase to the tune of Where are you Mrs. Robinson. Now I can retire that ditty. Here's the y of it.

In 2000, Arlyne Zintz helped David Guss and me recreate the Pokross family tree. Arleyne mentioned Arlyne Silverstein, but could not remember her last name after her marriage. David and I were stumped. In October, 2006, Arlyne Zintz was reading the New Jersey Jewish Standard and saw an article ( on the left) about Arlyne and Jerry Zucker.

Let's let Arlyne Zintz tell the story in her own words:

Aaron, it wasn't a big deal. If you remember I couldn't think of Arlyne's last name other than Silverstein. I was reading an issue of The Jewish Standard and the caption under the picture of a couple celebrating their 60th anniversary made me take notice because of the spelling of Arlyne. After reading the article about them and finding out that they live in Fort Lee, I looked them up in the telephone directory and called their number. After asking Jerry about his wife's maiden name I realized that I had found her. That's the whole story. I'm glad that I found her and hope to meet her in person one of these days. I think it's wonderful that you are devoting so much time to filling out the family tree. Thanks, my dear cousin. With love, Arlyne

Actually this is not the whole story. Arlyne Zintz's mother called Arlyne Silverstein's mother to find out the right way to spell Arlyne, and that's the "Y" of this story. We had a little trouble convincing Arlyne Silverstein Zucker that she was a Pokross, but it is hard to say no to 300 new relatives. Welcome aboard, Arlyne and Jerry Zucker and family.

Arynle Zucker died on December 19, 2007, before the two Arlynes were able to reunite.