
In 2020-21 I chair the (elected, campus-wide) Committee on Advising and Student Life at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Since 2020 I have been a member of the Graduate Program Committee of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at WPI. In this role, I developed and brought to the department for approval a syllabus for the Graduate Comprehensive Exam in Linear Algebra.

In 2020 I chaired the GCE Linear Algebra committee in the development, delivery and grading of three GCE exams.

From 2016-2020 I was a member of the Undergraduate Committee of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at WPI.

Jointly with Luke Morgan and Eric Swartz, I organised the Algebra/Combinatorics section of the Eighth Australia New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium.

While a postgraduate student in Galway, I organised a postgraduate seminar for two years, see the list of talks here: Mathsoc. I also doubled attendance and funding for the series, though it died when I left.

I am a referee for the following journals:

Journal of Algebra

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A

Australasian Journal of Combinatorics

Journal of Combinatorial Designs

Designs Codes and Cryptography

Annals of Combinatorics

Journal of the Australian Mathematics Society

Cryptography and Communications