Other contributions

This page contains some miscellaneous stuff that I'm not too ashamed to put online. Hopefully someone will find some of it useful!

Unrefereed work

My PhD Thesis - most of the interesting material appears in my first four published papers, and they also contain material not appearing in the thesis.

An abstract of the thesis appeared in The Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society.

My masters thesis - the new results appeared in my paper with Marc Roder, though some people may find the tables of data on cocyclic matrices useful.


A prize winning poster - I won the princely sum of E50 at the School of Mathematics Research Day in 2011. Credit goes to Marcus Bishop for designing the colour scheme.

Notes on strongly regular graphs - to learn some algebraic graph theory, I wrote and delivered a series of lectures in Galway.

Hadamard's paper - a translation I made of Hadamard's 1893 paper, with some comments on the proofs since people don't study determinants for their own sake anymore.

A webpage on the classification of cocyclic Butson Hadamard matrices - hosted on Dane's webpage.

Seminar Series

For two years, I ran the Mathematical Sciences Colloquium at WPI. For two years (long before that) I ran the postgraduate students Mathematics Colloquium at the National University of Ireland, Galway. The talks we hosted are linked.

Mathematical Sciences Colloquium at WPI


Reviewing and Refereeing

I enjoy writing referee reports and mathscinet reviews, and try to get them done within a month (though this doesn't always happen).

Reviewer for the Mathematical Reviews and the London Mathematical Society.

Approximately 50 referee reports for journals including: Journal of Algebra, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Designs Codes and Cryptography, Annals of Combinatorics, Journal of the Australian Mathematics Society and Cryptography and Communications.