
Four-Day School Weeks

Only a Matter of Time? The Role of Time in School on Four-Day School Week Achievement Impacts (with Jason Ward), Economics of Education Review, 2022



Impacts of the Four-Day School Week on High School Achievement and Educational Engagement (with Katherine Gunter, John M. Schuna Jr., and Emily J. Tomayko), Online before print at Education Economics



Are All Four-Day School Weeks Created Equal? A Descriptive Analysis of Four-Day School Weeks Across the United States from 1999-2019 (with Katherine Gunter, John M. Schuna Jr., and Emily J. Tomayko), Education Finance and Policy, 2021

Media: Oregon State University News, KTVZ,

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Impact of Reduced School Exposure on Adolescent Health Behaviors and Food Security: Evidence from 4-Day School Weeks (with Katherine Gunter, John M. Schuna Jr., Madeleine C. Smith, and Emily J. Tomayko), Journal of School Health, 2021

Does a Day Lost Equal Dollars Saved? The Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on School District Expenditures, National Tax Journal, 2021

Previously Circulated As: IZA Discussion Paper No. 12698 version

Draft: Pre-print version

Is Four Less Than Five? Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on Student Achievement in Oregon, Journal of Public Economics, 2021

Previously Circulated As: IZA Discussion Paper No. 12204 version

Media: Education Next, The 74

Draft: Pre-print version

Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on Physical Education Exposure and Childhood Obesity (with Katherine Gunter, John M. Schuna Jr., and Emily J. Tomayko), Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2020

Financial Intervention Systems

The Effects of Performance Audits on School District Financial Behavior (with Mark St. John), Public Finance Review, 2019

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Are School Officials Held Accountable for Fiscal Stress? Evidence from School District Financial Intervention Systems, Economics of Education Review, 2019

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Effects of Fiscal Stress Labels on Municipal Government Finances, Housing Prices, and the Quality of Public Services: Evidence from Ohio, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2016

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The Effect of School District and Municipal Government Financial Health Information on Local Tax Election Outcomes: Evidence from Fiscal Stress Labels in Ohio (with Joseph Whitley), Public Choice, 2016

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School District and Housing Price Responses to Fiscal Stress Labels: Evidence from Ohio, Journal of Urban Economics, 2016

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Other Education Topics

Impacts of New School Facility Construction: An Analysis of a State-Financed Capital Subsidy Program in Ohio, (with Michael Conlin) Economics of Education Review, 2017

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An Evaluation of Empirical Bayes’ Estimation of Value-Added Teacher Performance Measures (with Cassie Guarino, Michelle Maxfield, Mark Reckase, and Jeff Wooldridge), Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 2015

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Michigan and Ohio K-12 Educational Financing Systems: Equality and Efficiency (with Michael Conlin), Education Finance and Policy, 2014

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Other Public Economics Topics

Marijuana Tax Incidence, Stockpiling, and Cross-Border Substitution (with Muhammad Salar Khan and Victor Tremblay), International Tax and Public Finance, 2020

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