Raster3D formation, Iso-Surfacae, 3D Metaballs, 3D Scalar Fields, and Image3D Slicing tools for computational design, by Pirouz Nourian, 2015.

Note: the majority of tools in this package were scattered in multiple repositories. I have gathered them in a new repository:


For an overview of all our legacy codes on voxels and voxelization you can visit this repository:


For newer python tools for topological rasterization (voxelization) and topological operations on voxel/raster data models visit https://topogenesis.readthedocs.io/

I was at the time of developing this toolkit a researcher @ TU Delft 3D Geoinformation and @ former TU Delft, BK, OTB, section GISt working on the Project Netherlands eScience Centre (NLeSC), Big Data Analytics in the Geo-Spatial Domain project (code: 027.013.703). I was developing foundations of a 3D Raster GIS to be integrated into MonetDB under supervision of Dr. Sisi Zlatanova.

In this project, we were developing foundations of a new 3D GIS system. Note that this is not yet a 3D GIS!

I would like to acknowledges the contributions of Kaixuan Zho, Rusne Sileryte and Carl Chen (students of MSc Geomatics programme) in connecting this package to PostgreSQL using Slingshot.

The method used for finding Iso Surfaces is the Marching Tetrahedrons Algorithm as described by Paul Bourke: See the method here. I am very happy with the results and hereby thank Paul Bourke for his great explanation.

Some tools in this project were coauthored by Anh Vu Vo from University College Dublin.

You can download the legacy tools from this page as they are and use them at your own risk. This package does not come with any guarantee or warranty. The Author (Pirouz Nourian) cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by these tools in any case.

Creative Commons License