Ningaloo whale shark, Tantabiddi and Rottnest Island snorkelling

May 17- 31 2010 - Task, accompany 83 year old bohemian Parents to Western Australia and supervise the ancient one to snorkel with Whale Sharks in the open Indian Ocean

In short the adventure was a resounding success and I will have to go back for more!

about 101 Pictures can be viewed at:

Introduction: E = mc2

The old theory of relativity, time and motion applied to me. My parents are venerable 83 year olds that must have spent too much time watching Australian adventure travel shows on TV. Somehow, the old man got the notion of swimming with whale sharks in Ningaloo. A laudable idea in its own right, but the old man had been smashed to a pulp with a serious heart attack 3 years before and has barely recovered. A cruel but realistic assesment was the whole idea was pretty ambitious because the old one is not a strong swimmer. Decked out with the latest 'crock-gadget', the much vaunted split-fins [Now why would anybody cut a good pair of flippers in half ... and try to tell me they are thus more efficient - Think about it????) - he can swim about as fast and as gracefully as a jelly fish.

The worst case scenario would be that the old one spent a fortune getting there, then doddered into the water late, looked the wrong way and completely missed the whale shark passing by like the veritable train.

And on the first drop ... that is pretty much what happened. But whale sharks don't always swim too fast and the experience ended well!

But first, where the hell is Ningaloo and how did we get there?