
This is Pirate Petes 'other' home page [The first one got more or less lost in translation between google pagemaker and google sites - not necessarily a bad thing as evil Russians were using the good domain name of 'Piratepetester' for a virally transmitting porn site]. Rest easy, this is a salient repeat of the index to some of the gonzo journalism/blog - like accounts of what the pirate has been up to

Who the hell is Pirate Pete?

He's a middle aged, diving, kayaking, boogie boarding, multisporting, boat building, British seagull outboard racing adventurer ... of sorts.

Pete lives in Wellington New Zealand

May 2010 - go to Western Australia and do some snorkelling

Ningaloo whale shark, Tantibidi and Rottnest Island snorkelling

Snorkelling with whale sharks in Ningaloo and a trip to Rottnest Island May 2010

The link is to a post trip blogg of my adventures to Western Australia, flying from Perth to Learmount and staying in Exmouth for a week to accompany my 83 year old father snorkelling with whale sharks, followed by a week in Manjura (south of Perth) finishing with a couple of days at Fremantle with a memorable days cycling and snorkelling at Rottnest Island.

Bermuda RISR 2011 - the reprise

Bermuda RISR (Round the Island Seagull Race) 2011 the Reprise - My return to Bermuda to compete in my second RISR. The Ancient one said, "could he come to?" ... and why not. We had the best weather day ever on race day and enjoyed the sights and hospitality of Bermuda with a heavy emphasis on snorkeling. These are the notes I made for Saving old seagulls chronicling our race adventure with links the the absolutely fabulous 2007 Bermuda visit and a picassa folder of photos from the 2011 trip

Kayak fishing trout, Taupo, New Zealand

A long time between drinks. It was 20 long years before I managed to catch a trout in Lake Taupo. After a 6 year respite, I managed to catch 3 trout in 3 days Christmas 2011. A small website chronicling the sorry saga and the break through.

The old standard British seagull outboard motor start up procedure. Not a lot of freeboard on the minimax xl, but an inch is as good as a mile - and things aren't so bad once it is moving. But a lighter pilot would be a good start ... now where is that diet I was going to do?

Pirate Pete's seagull outboard race boat tips

Pirate Pete has been hooked on British outboard motor boat racing for a few years now. Starting back in 2009, This site is designed as a 'primer' for anybody wanting to survive the annual Easter seagull race/regatta down the Waikato. A two day adventure covering 88 land miles from the Base of Karapiro Dam to Rangiriri (end of day one) and onto the finish at Hoods Landing, Otaua (end of day two).

Lindsay with an Otago Harbour Rig. A bit of a ground breaking research discovery: Adults don't just come into estuaries, pup, breed and scarper ... they come back when condtions are good to exploit an excellent food resource. And proof that rig use Otago Harbour.


The great rig hunt of 2011. The task was to take the NIWA 6.8 m Mcklay hardtop research boat and set nets for rig sharks (up to 1.5 m long) in a number of estuaries around the South Island of New Zealand. This site was set up to show colleagues how we cleaned the nets of current borne weed. But with a link to a picassa web album, you can visit some of the shallow estuaries from Otago Harbour to Westhaven (Whanganui) Inlet on the West Coast - just below Farewell Spit.

piratepetester builds a Bateau SK14

Pete's other web site.

Easily found by google searching piratepetester. Note that is all lowercase. Some dirty Russians have used my good name for a shadow porno/virus site. Beware anything with capital 'P' i.e; Piratepetester

The link below is to the genuine piratepetester original [and not Not the Russian porn site ... honest!]:
