PD Projects

Increasing the environmental literacy of adolescents is my passion.  I continually strive to develop new ways to inspire students and teachers to engage them in exploring our changing planet.

Without the distortions of a typical map, students can tuck a globe in their binder and pull it out to better understand earth processes.

I was encouraged to apply for a Bright Ideas Grant during an EARTH (Education and Research: Testing Hypotheses) workshop with the NC Coastal Science Institute.

Citizen Science

I am a teaching assistant for this professional development course with National Geographic.  I love sharing ideas with teachers around the world to engage students in understanding "why there" as they analyze data to answer questions about their communities and the world.

360' Images and Tours

My journey with National Geographic through the Educator Certification and later as a Grosvenor Teacher Fellow has elevated my teaching and appreciation for exploration with my students.

Google Data Studio

Like my Daily Agendas?  It runs off of Google Data Studio (Looker).  I learned a lot more HTML coding during remote learning.