Our Grounds

At the Pines we have some 8 acres of lawn and woodland where there are, at the right time of the year, rare wild flowers and bulbs growing. Click here to read more about the natural environment that helps to make the Pines a special place. Later in the year we are able to take advantage of our sun lawns and, when necessary, the shade offered by surrounding trees. The woodland flora and fauna contains many beautiful wild flowers, birds and mammals. Spring starts with dramatic displays of wild daffodils, anemones, and violets, followed by a carpet of bluebells and later spotted orchids. Five other orchid species occur at different times of the year and dormice and badgers are present as well as rabbits, squirrels and numerous bird species such as woodpeckers and buzzards.

Pines members jointly own the grounds and therefore share in the responsibilities of ownership. Our members are expected to actively participate in the necessary maintenance of the club grounds, both on organised winter workdays, and less formally during the summer. Winter tasks typically involve maintenance of trees, hedges and boundary fences.