
The lovely grounds, covering eight acres and situated in the Forest of Dean, are convenient for Cheltenham, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, Ross, Monmouth and South Wales. Some members travel from even further afield. The woodland flora and fauna contains many beautiful wild flowers, birds and mammals.

Spring starts with dramatic displays of wild daffodils, anemones, and violets, followed by a carpet of bluebells and later spotted orchids. Five other orchid species occur and dormice, squirrels, rabbits and badgers are present.

Pines members jointly own their grounds, which are held in trust for them by a panel of trustees*. This privilege also carries with it an equal share in the responsibilities of ownership. Our members are expected to actively participate in the necessary maintenance of the club grounds, both on organised winter workdays, and less formally during the summer. There are always light jobs to suit the less-able or elderly. Basic hand tools and protective gloves are available on site at all times. No expensive or valuable equipment is kept on site.


The object of the club is to maintain an area where people who appreciate the benefits of social nakedness in the open air may do so in comfort and safety.

Guests are always welcome provided they accept that nakedness is the norm when conditions are suitable. They need not themselves undress if they are uncomfortable doing so. Non- members are charged for day and overnight visits. Children are welcome at any time, so long as a parent, guardian, or other adult specifically acting in loco parentis accompanies them. A high standard of behaviour is expected at the club grounds, at all times, as would be wholly acceptable in any family orientated environment.


The Club runs an annual Petanque tournament, as well as regular barbeques in the summer. An annual ‘Pines on Tour’ residential visit, usually to another naturist club has become a popular event.


Note that due to the isolated location of the site and prohibitive costs, there are currently no plans to bring mains water, drainage or electricity to the site.

Consequently members need to bring adequate supplies of their own washing and drinking water. No water stored on site is suitable for drinking

Rainwater is collected from the clubhouse roof to flush the toilet, which drains to a septic tank.


A small number of caravans are permanently on the site but there are no additional facilities available to caravan users due to planning restrictions.


Members are welcome to camp overnight and many do so. No facilities are offered, and all rubbish should be burned or taken off site. For safety reasons fires and disposable (single-use) barbecues are only permitted in the designated fireplace. Please remove any residual packaging from site afterwards.

Winter Work Days

These are a most enjoyable activity and an important feature of the social life of the club. All refreshments on the day are provided from club funds. The upkeep of our grounds is the responsibility of all members and not just the committee, so members are expected to attend at least one workday per season. Specific tasks suitable for all levels of experience and physical ability can be allocated on the day. Tasks typically involve maintenance of trees, hedges and fences. Members do not carry out tasks related to their individual caravan or campsites on workdays.

Summer Work

Members are encouraged to share summer tasks such as mowing and strimming, so that responsibility for maintaining our lovely wooded site and the access lane is not left to a few individuals. Sometimes there is an organised summer workday for any other essential maintenance that may be necessary.

Food and hot drinks are made avaialble by club on the work days.

BN Membership

It is recommended that members should maintain current membership of BN, both for the benefits it brings and to support the important work they do to promote naturism in the UK. With effect from 2006 membership year individual membership no longer provides any free personal accident insurance cover, the Club however maintains public liability insurance through BN which covers legal liability for compensation, claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of accidental bodily injury to any person or loss of or damage to material property happening in connection with club activities.


Members with reserved tent or caravan pitches are expected to use and maintain them regularly wherever possible. No significant modifications to the site are to be undertaken without prior committee approval.

Members are welcome to bring dogs provided they are kept under control and on a lead at all times. Dogs are not permitted in the clubhouse. It is the owners’ responsibility to ensure that any mess is removed.

Smoking is not permitted in the clubhouse or any outbuildings at any time.

Plastic litter should always be removed from site and not burned, particularly in the log burning stove, as it may leave residues and can produce noxious fumes.

Current charges

Accessibility :

Club accepts people with all abilities. Club is situated on a downward slope. A large portion of club ground is covered by woodland.  Deer and rabbits frequently dig on the pathway and sun lawns.  Some areas can be muddy and slippery. It is highly recommended that applicants with mobility issues make sure that they can negotiate these challenges and will be safe on the site, potentially by themselves if no other members are around.

Applying for Membership

As a private members club, new members are admitted strictly at the discretion of existing members. We do not discriminate, and the Committee consider every application on its merits. If you wish to apply, or for more information, please use the Contact Us form.

* Members can never profit from their ownership, as the Constitution provides that on winding-up all proceeds must go to an alternative club or registered charity.