
Environmental policy implications of individual decision making

Innovations in Public Transportation

Public transportation operators face a rapidly changing landscape of technologies and resources for transportation services. Choosing how and whether to integrate with these new technologies and services presents an ongoing question for transit agencies.

These research projects explore how transit agencies are approaching new technologies, and what conditions are necessary for them to pursue and implement innovations in services, programs or operations. We also identify critical barriers for transit agencies to pursue innovations.

California Integrated Transportation Project study explores how un- and under-banked passengers ability to use open loop payment systems that rely on the use of debit and/or credit card based services.

In related research I examine transit agency decision making related to partnerships with ride hailing and other shared-use mobility services. More information can be found here: Ridehailing Partnerships Study, and Three Revolutions Project on Transit Partnerships.

Social Networks and Travel Behavior

Future Mobility and Environmental Policy

Future Mobility and Environmental Policy

Innovative and emerging transportation resources have the potential to significantly alter mobility and may contribute to reductions in emissions, VMT and congestion.

I study user behaviors and the policy implications of the adoption and use of new mobility and emerging transportation resources. How has the emergence of new transportation resources changed travel behavior patterns?

Another aspect of this research is focused on local governments adaptation to these new transportation resources. What regulations have been put in place, and what types of issues are addressed by policies as local governments address new mobility?

Social Networks and Travel Behavior

Sustainable transportation programs may benefit from the incorporation of social influence through knowledge sharing, establishment of behavioral norms and peer-to-peer participation recruitment.This project investigates the importance of social influence in transportation mode choice; the next phase will involve evaluation of social influence as a tool in sustainable transportation pilot programs.